Maxx Test 300 Tips 50

Posted by Wendy Pannell
Jan 1, 2015
Image Confuse these with the quad for the hamstring you're absolutely important for ball and with front to back side to side have your thighs but they are unique and we're going to make sure that we try and do some exercises to develop these muscles in their own right the more K convenes last but not least we're going to look at the cats for the lower leg muscles I have great go ahead and turn around here and there's essentially to muscle Maxx Test 300 groups that were interested in developing your gas truck Mimi s and your soul it with your gas truck payments it's unique because it crosses your knee joint see you have what's called a lateral head have your gas truck and you also have a media head in both those heads converter come down and attached your Achilles tendons deep to that gas truck you have what’s called your sole East near soles attach it to your to be a in your fibula those two lower leg bones and it also comes down and attach is onto the Achilles tendon so to muscles one crosses the knee but both attached to the Achilles tendon and help create plantar flex-ion which will talk a little bit more about later on 0 so we've covered a lot of ground in this video by big muscle groups and 17 individual muscles just as a quick recap...

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