Maximizing Test Coverage With Device Farms

Posted by Arman Faisal
Jun 26, 2024

Your application must run across several devices and operating systems in today's fast-paced, competitive software development industry. This requires comprehensive test coverage to find bugs and performance concerns before they affect consumers. However, keeping up an extensive collection of physical testing equipment may be expensive and logistically difficult. This is where device farms come into the picture

Developers and testers may execute test cases more precisely and effectively using device farms' cloud-based or on-premises platforms and actual devices and OS systems. Device farms may cut expenses, speed testing, and boost test coverage.

In this blog post, we will look into device farms' concept, their advantages, recommended practices, and methods for optimizing test coverage. In addition, we'll explore future directions, possible obstacles, and real-world instances of device farm testing. This will provide a thorough manual to help you maximize device farms for your testing requirements.

Test Coverage

Software testers utilize test coverage to quantify source code analysis. The KPI measures testing's scope and effectiveness. Test coverage checks which sections of the codebase have been tested to verify software works as anticipated in various circumstances.

Test coverage metrics come in several forms, and they all provide unique perspectives on the testing procedure:

  1. Code Coverage

  • Measures the percentage of source code that the test suite has executed.

  • Includes various levels such as statement coverage, branch coverage, and path coverage.

  1. Function Coverage

  • Indicates the proportion of functions or methods in the code that have been tested.

  1. Condition Coverage

  • Assesses the percentage of boolean expressions evaluated in both true and false scenarios during testing.

  1. Decision Coverage

  • Evaluates whether all possible decision points in the code have been tested (e.g., all branches of an if-else statement).

  1. Path Coverage

  • Determines whether every feasible way for the code to execute has been tested.

Attaining high test coverage makes it feasible to decrease the probability of mistakes in production, increase overall application dependability, and find problems early in the development cycle. It's critical to remember that, even while extensive test coverage is desirable, thorough testing protocols and well-considered test case design are also required to provide comprehensive software validation.

Device Farms

Internet-based device farms provide testers access to various real hardware and operating systems. Their purpose is to assist developers and testers in guaranteeing their apps operate across hardware, operating systems, and settings. Teams can easily test functionality, performance, and compatibility via device farms without maintaining a large inventory.

Types Of Device Farms: Cloud-Based vs. On-Premises

Each kind of device farm has benefits and works well in certain situations. Cloud-based device farms are best for scalability, cost, and simplicity of use, but on-premises ones provide greater control, security, and customization. The best option depends on the organization's tastes, resources, and requirements. 

Cloud-Based Device Farms

Cloud-based device farms provide on-demand online access to a huge variety of devices housed in distant data centers. Key characteristics include:

  • Scalability: Effortlessly expanding to support several devices and running multiple tests simultaneously.

  • Cost-effectiveness: Pay-as-you-go pricing schemes, which lower initial outlay expenses.

  • Accessibility: Allows remote testing and is available from any location with an internet connection.

  • Maintenance-Free: Providers handle device administration, upgrades, and maintenance.

One of the cloud-based platforms is LambdaTest. It is an AI-powered test orchestration and execution platform that lets you run manual and automated tests at scale with over 3000+ real devices, browsers, and OS combinations. It enables you to test your apps in various scenarios. Regardless of your clients' devices or browsers, you can give a flawless user experience by identifying and fixing compatibility problems with this thorough coverage.

It simplifies live testing by effectively identifying issues and offering options like screenshots, session recording, marking bugs, and more for easy fixing. It saves both money and administrative work by eliminating the need for maintaining a physical device lab. With LambdaTest, you can focus on testing and development while the platform handles administration, maintenance, and upgrades for your devices.

LambdaTest allows you to test your apps across devices located in various parts of the world. This functionality is crucial for evaluating the performance and compatibility of location-based services and ensuring your application works properly for users everywhere.

On-Premises Device Farms

On-premises device farms consist of physical devices hosted within an organization's facilities. Key characteristics include:

  • Control: Complete control over the testing environment and device configurations.

  • Security: Enhanced security for testing sensitive applications, as devices are managed within the organization's premises.

  • Initial Investment: This necessitates a large upfront investment in hardware and continuing maintenance expenses.

  • Management Overhead: The organization is in charge of updating, managing, and troubleshooting the devices.

Benefits Of Using Device Farms

Several benefits are offered to those who use device farms for software testing, such as improved effectiveness, precision, and thoroughness of the testing process. The main advantages are as follows:

  1. Facility of Getting Access to a Wide Range of Devices and Operating Systems

A wide range of genuine devices, including different brands, models, operating systems, and versions, are accessible via device farms. This guarantees thorough testing across many settings, assisting in detecting and resolving compatibility problems.

  1. Cost Efficiency

Having a large stock of physical equipment for testing might be costly. Device farms provide an affordable alternative by enabling on-demand device access, typically via a pay-as-you-go or subscription-based approach, and minimizing the need for a sizable upfront investment.

  1. Scalability and Flexibility

Device farms enable parallel testing on multiple devices simultaneously, accelerating the testing process. This scalability allows teams to handle large test suites and high volumes of tests efficiently, meeting tight development timelines.

  1. Reliability and enhanced accuracy

Results from testing on real devices are more accurate and dependable than those from emulators and simulators. Virtual testing environments may be unable to discover hardware, performance, or user experience problems that real-device testing may assist in exposing.

  1. Simplified Device Management

Cloud-based device farms take care of device administration, upgrades, and maintenance, which frees up valuable resources and reduces the administrative burden on the development team. This guarantees that the gadgets are always updated and prepared for testing.

  1. Enhanced Test Coverage

Device farms aid in achieving higher test coverage by using a broad range of devices, guaranteeing that applications are tested under a variety of real-world scenarios. Better software and an improved user experience result from this.

  1. Geographical Testing

Some device farms can test applications on devices located in different geographical regions. This is particularly useful for testing location-based services, network conditions, and regional compliance requirements.

  1. Comprehensive Reporting and Analytics

Device farms often provide thorough test results reports and analytics, including performance data, logs, and images. Teams can more swiftly detect and resolve problems thanks to these insights, which enhance the testing process as a whole.

  1. Global Collaboration

Cloud-based device farms allow teams across multiple regions to work together and coordinate activities using the same set of devices. Global firms and distant personnel would especially benefit from this.

Organizations may improve their software testing procedures, guarantee greater software quality, and provide their clients with an improved user experience by using device farms.

Best Practices For Device Farm Testing: Maximizing Coverage

Following best practices that ensure comprehensive, reliable, and efficient testing methods is crucial to making the most of using device farms for testing. Here are some key best practices:

  1. Define Clear Testing Objectives

Set precise objectives and targets for the testing you do. Recognize the goals you have for your tests: are they to verify functionality, assure compatibility, or evaluate performance?

  1. Select Relevant Devices

Choose a representative device set that reflects your target audience's usage patterns. Consider device popularity, operating system versions, screen sizes, and hardware specifications.

  1. Prioritize Tests Based on Risk

Prioritize testing of the essential features and functions that have the most potential to affect the user experience. Tests for high-risk sections of your application should be prioritized to find and fix such problems early.

  1. Implement Parallel Testing

To expedite the testing process, use the capability to run tests concurrently across several devices. This facilitates speedier feedback on code modifications and helps reduce testing time overall.

  1. Use Automated Testing Tools

Integrate the automation testing tools (such as Selenium, Appium, and Espresso) with your device farm to build reliable and repeatable test scripts. Automation increases testing efficiency and consistency.

  1. Incorporate CI/CD Pipelines

Automate testing in development by integrating your device farm with CI/CD pipelines. This guarantees ongoing testing and validation of new code updates.

  1. Design Comprehensive Test Cases

Make thorough test cases that address various circumstances, such as edge cases and negative testing. Make sure that the functional and non-functional requirements are validated in your tests.

  1. Regularly Update Test Suites

Keep your test suites up-to-date with the latest devices, operating system versions, and application features. Regular updates ensure that your tests remain relevant and effective.

  1. Monitor and Analyze Test Results

To identify trends, patterns, and recurring issues, monitor test results, and conduct ongoing analysis. Use the newfound information to improve the overall quality of the program as well as the test coverage and case design.

  1. Optimize Test Execution

Optimize your test execution strategy to balance thoroughness with efficiency. For example, run a smaller set of high-priority tests for quick feedback during development and execute full regression tests before major releases.

  1. Manage Device Utilization

Efficiently manage device utilization to ensure that resources are used effectively. Schedule tests during off-peak hours and release devices promptly after testing to make them available for other tests.

  1. Address Network and Connectivity Considerations

Take into account network conditions and connectivity issues that may impact testing. Simulate different network scenarios to assess how your application performs under various conditions.

  1. Ensure Data Security and Privacy

Implement security measures to protect sensitive data during testing. Ensure that your device farm provider complies with relevant data protection regulations and follows best practices for data security.

  1. Leverage Device Farm Features

Take full advantage of the features offered by your device farm provider, such as remote debugging, real-time interaction with devices, and detailed reporting and analytics.

  1. Collaborate and Communicate

Encourage cooperation and communication amongst the members of the testing team. Communicate test findings, observations, and comments to guarantee a unified testing strategy.

Following these recommendations will allow you to get the most out of your device farm testing.


Device farms provide a potent way to accomplish this by giving users access to many genuine devices, facilitating accurate and efficient testing on many platforms.

Using device farms, organizations may improve the scalability and flexibility of their testing procedures while cutting down on the expenses and hassles of maintaining physical devices. Beyond financial savings, real-device testing offers increased accuracy and dependability, which enhances software quality and the user experience.

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