Manforce 50mg & 100mg Tablets – Advantages & Disadvantages

Posted by 3G Chemist
Dec 4, 2015
Image Manforce 100 mg tablets are the best available medicines that are prescribed by the doctor to treat the problem of erectile dysfunction. Erectile Dysfunction is the sexual ailment that is characterized by the men’s disability to retain the erection or develop erection during sexual activity. This is sometimes psychological too where the penetration fails as a result of feelings and thoughts rather than the physical disability. It is otherwise called impotence. Manforce is an inhibitor that works by inhibiting an enzyme to work quickly and work on time, thereby helping men maintain the erection during sexual intercourse.


It is always advisable to follow the instructions prescribed by your health care provider. Manforce usually works about half an hour after consuming it. Therefore, doctors also prescribe to take this 30minutes before intercourse. You can consume one or two tablets as per your doctor’s advice.

Manforce tablets have the potential of causing alarming side effects in some patients. So it needs to be handled and treated very carefully.

Most commonly found side effects of Manforce are mentioned below.

1. Diarrhea
2. Pains and Aches
3. Sneezing
4. A blood nose
5. Head aches
6. Trouble in sleeping
7. Redness of Skin
8. Nasal Congestion
9. Flushes
10. Difficulty in breathing

After taking Manforce if any of these symptoms trouble you, consult your doctor. If it is serious, it is better to give a visit to your doctor immediately.

Things You Should Let Your Doctor Know

It is important to tell your doctor all the details of your medical history to help him understand if it is safe enough for you to consume Manforce.

Tell your physician if

1. You are allergenic to any medicine.
2. You are pregnant or trying to conceive
3.  You are breastfeeding.
4. You are consuming prescribed or non-prescribed supplements.
5. Tobacco, grape juice and alcohol are your favorites and you consume it every day.

Manforce, along with stimulating the sexual stability, it also improves the flow of blood in to the penis to achieve and maintain erection that is caused as a result of sexual arousal.

Manforce is not intended to be used by women and children and it will not provide protection against sexually transmitted diseases like HIV.

If you find it uncomfortable to go to a store and buy this medicine, buy Manforce 100mg tablets online. Buying of online Manforce tablets is not only economical, it is the best and comfortable option available. All thanks to advancement in the technology.
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