Male Infertility

Dec 13, 2014
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Causes of infertility or reproductive problems include disease and aging. Male infertility is as common as female infertility. Infertility or reproductive problems are often treatable with infertility drugs and high-tech procedures. A third of all cases of infertility involve problems solely with the male partner. Infertility in a man may be the sole reason that a couple can't conceive, or it may simply add to the difficulties caused by infertility in his partner. Early testing for male fertility can spare their partners a great deal of unnecessary discomfort and expense. It's also a good way to quickly narrow down potential problems.

Men can remain fertile for much longer than women. Even though male fertility also declines with age, it tends to happen gradually for men. While many men remain fertile into their 50s and beyond, the proportion of men with sperm disorders increases with age. The decline in male fertility is more gradual for men than women. The decline in male fertility can affect the health of the children they may go on to have.

While female age is well known to have negative effects on fertility, reproductive success and the health of offspring, the influence of male age on a couple's fertility has been largely neglected all over the world. It is well recognised that reduced sperm performance can affect pregnancy success, but it is less well known that the quality of the sperm, particularly DNA quality, could affect the development and health of the offspring. The consistency in its findings suggests that further awareness of the potential consequences of male age on reproductive outcomes is needed. The study also establishes that older males contribute to increased risk of obstetric complications, miscarriage, and offspring disorders such as autism, Down syndrome, epilepsy, and schizophrenia.

Male infertility is due to low sperm production, abnormal sperm function or blockages that prevent the delivery of sperm. Illnesses, injuries, chronic health problems, lifestyle choices and other factors can play a role in causing male infertility.

Lifestyle factors affect fertility. As most lifestyle factors can be modified, providing advice and support in making healthy lifestyle changes can promote fertility. The evidence relating to the effects on fertility of caffeine, alcohol consumption and smoking are discussed here. Recent Male Infertility study suggests some new facts which are must read and interesting for anyone trying to get pregnant or start creating family.

A prospective dad must consider his health as important in the journey of parenthood. The biggest cause of infertility in men is abnormal sperm. Sperm can be affected by lifestyle factors such as smoking, drinking alcohol and taking drugs.

1) Caffeine Consumption: Drinking too much coffee can radically reduce a man’s ability to father children, a study has found. Men who drank two or more cups of strong coffee a day had just a one in five chance of becoming fathers through IVF. However, for those who drank less than a cup, the chance of having a child rose to nearly 52%.

2) Alcohol: The studies also showed that men who drink around a pint and a half of beer a night could improve their fertility. The research found that men, who drank at least 22g of alcohol per day, or three units, were more than twice as likely to have children through IVF as those who abstained. Health experts say that moderate amounts of alcohol may reduce stress levels and that in turn help conception. The researchers say no definitive conclusions can be drawn about cause and effect, but young men should be advised that habitual high alcohol intake may affect their reproductive health.

High male caffeine consumption appears to reduce couples’ chance of achieving a clinical pregnancy, while male alcohol consumption appears to enhance their chances.

3) Smoking: Smoking tobacco decreases sperm size and movement and can damage the genetic makeup of sperm cells. It may also have a negative effect on seminal fluid (the fluid that is ejaculated along with sperm). It may take longer for your partner to become pregnant, particularly if you smoke heavily.

4) Exercise and Diet: Anything that is good for your heart health is also good for your fertility, so some physical exercise and eating a well-balanced diet will always be advisable. Staying at a healthy weight helps to keep your sperm in good condition. You can do this by having a healthy, balanced diet and exercising regularly. Being overweight (having a body mass index or BMI of 25 or higher) may lower the quality and quantity of your sperm. The effect is greater in men who have a BMI of 30 or higher.

5) Illegal drug use: Anabolic steroids taken to stimulate muscle strength and growth can cause the testicles to shrink and sperm production to decrease. Use of cocaine or marijuana may temporarily reduce the number and quality of your sperm as well.

6) Endocrine Disruptors: A recent study article published in the Guardian states that: Nordic Council calls on EU to ban damaging compounds found in household products that cost millions due to their harmful impact on male reproductive health. The hormone-mimicking chemicals used routinely in toiletries, cosmetics, medicines, plastics and pesticides cause male infertility. The endocrine disruptor compounds (EDCs) are thought to be particularly harmful to male reproductive health and can cause testicular cancer, infertility, deformation of the penis and undescended testicles.

7) Exposure to Aluminum: Also recent study suggests that Exposure to aluminum may impact on male fertility. New research from scientists in the UK and France suggests that human exposure to aluminum may be a significant factor in falling sperm counts and reduced male fertility.
Asthenozoospermia, the most common semen variable in study, can be an early indicator of reduction in quality of semen. Alcohol abuse apparently targets sperm morphology and sperm production. Smoke-induced toxins primarily hamper sperm motility and seminal fluid quality. Progressive deterioration in semen quality is related to increasing quantity of alcohol intake and cigarettes smoked.

It takes about three months for your body to complete a cycle of sperm production. So any changes you make to your lifestyle today will take a while to produce improved sperm. If you can commit yourself to a few months of healthy living and eating you'll be in top shape to father a child.

It is understood that lifestyle factors can affect a man's fertility, and many of these factors are things that a man can control easily. Leading a healthy lifestyle not only improves your chances of conceiving but also improves overall health. Male infertility due to lifestyle factors is reversible and everyone facing male infertility should give themselves one chance by adopting simple lifestyle changes like quitting smoking, limiting or abstaining from alcohol, steer clear of illegal drugs, exercising regularly and eating a healthy diet, reducing stress level and avoiding exposure to pesticides, heavy metals and other toxins.

Going to a doctor will help you determine the cause of any fertility problems you may have and give you a chance to talk to the doctor about what you can do to increase your chances of conceiving. Your doctor may refer you to a fertility specialist at a fertility clinic. Couples that are having difficulty getting pregnant may benefit from changing some lifestyle habits and taking help of fertility specialist in ascertaining the real cause of infertility.  

Indira Infertility Clinic in Udaipur, has helped countless couples in achieving parenthood. As Indira IVF's Medical Director, Dr. Ajay is a highly skilled fertility specialist committed to patient advocacy with proven expertise in andrology. He brings extensive experience in assisted reproduction treatments like IVF, IUI, ICSI, MESA, TESA to the care of his patients. Apart from this team of doctors at Indira IVf  also takes care of other factors contributing to infertility like unexplained infertility, increased age in men and women, lifestyle habits like alcohol, smoking, caffeine, overweight or underweight, sexually transmitted diseases, occupational or environmental factors and stress.

If you are experiencing infertility problems either due to PCOS, endometriosis, varicocele, abnormal sperm count, shape or motility, blocked fallopian tubes or increasing age or secondary infertility you can contact the doctors of Indira IVf at or at

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