Make use of Resume Writing Tips for a Successful Job-hunting Profile

Posted by Naveen Kumar
May 6, 2016
Image A resume is a powerful tool that shapes your career story in your absence. Broadly putting, it reflects a lot about a candidate’s aspirations and work history, just like grooming reflects attitude. Therefore, the task before applying for a job is to make a better, concise and easy-to-understand profile by obtaining resume writing tips online. Your profile’s key responsibility is to impress the prospective employers before you get a call for further rounds. Thus, experts put: taking resume building a light and casual affair can cause you to wait longer than you had expected, and can also gradually weaken your job-seeking potential. Alternatively, you can remain positive and consider the following points to make your profile stand out from others.

Tune the Relevant Keywords in Your Profile:-In the current times, the manner of short listing profiles is entirely different from non-internet days – it was a different tradition then. SEO techniques are used for all types of sites, be it for job portals or some other. Thus, keywords in your profile must match with those of employers. Employers use applicant tracking system, where they filter the profiles based on their set keywords. Profiles are screened by recruiters before sending them to hiring managers. It is important to have the right mixture of keywords to fit rightly in their radar system. Your skills, competencies and work experience must contain the keywords that are mentioned in the job description posted or published by employers across various job portals. To keep abreast of time, many candidates hire resume writing experts, because understanding keyword algorithm requires special skills.


Don’t confuse them with Format and Language:-Proper use of language with relevant keywords can win the first impression of employers, for they don’t spend much time reading and finding relevant things from resumes. They have stacks of resumes – they just glance and move on if nothing of interest arrests their attention. Keep it structured in a good format with right headings, past work experience should be explained in a simple way – point by point. Include all the employment details such as work tenure, industry, and profile role. Even if there was gap – it should be seen there without any hesitation. Prepare gullible excuses about that gap. Maintain a sense of time throughout your resume.  


Keep it Short:-Don’t blabber about skills, parental support or juvenile hobbies. Resume is a professional entity – so keep it professional – skills can be seen and understood by job profile or past work experience. No one likes turning and reading page after page. So try to unfold all about yourself in a page for two – even if you have a long work history. Resume writing has become a major segment of writing field, thus, there are professional service agencies that freelance resume writing jobs on various freelance websites.


Show your Social Face:-It’s a fact that candidates are being cross-checked on -social sites. Though the trend of providing the URLs of social sites is not customary, but nowadays is on a steady rise. Adding an URL can save their time and efforts. Plus, they would feel that you are honest about your social face too.

A short resume with optimum points is a good idea; subsequently it presents a general picture about you. Moreover, hiring managers understand it quite well and it retains the charm - as some details can only be told at the time of interview.

About the Author:-Naveen Kumar is a versatile content writer, creating buzz in the content world for over 4 years. Passionate to express his thoughts on resume writing tips for successful profiling, he is an MBA in International Business. Thus, he knows the details of business inside out, and shares his insights to help others grow their dreams.

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