London 2012 Olympics: Siobhan-Marie O'Connor misses prom to join Team GB

Posted by Persun Gown
Jun 27, 2012

A teenager has told how she sacrificed attending her high school prom to qualify as the youngest swimmer in Team GB for the London 2012 Olympics.

She had to miss her school prom to do it, but for Siobhan-Marie O'Connor, sacrificing a teenage rite of passage has seen her qualify for the London Olympics.

O'Connor, 16, became the youngest swimmer to take a place in Team GB after winning the 100-metre breaststroke at the ASA National Championships in Sheffield on Friday night, when her classmates from her school in Bath were celebrating at an end-of-year party.

The swimmer, who has just completed her GCSEs, said: "I was gutted that it was the same night, as I have been looking forward to the prom since year 7. I was looking for prom dresses, but I couldn't buy them.

"But this has made it all worthwhile. My friends rang me after my swim and said that it had been announced at the prom and people were cheering.

"There'll be other parties when I can get dressed up, but there will never be another chance to compete at a home Olympics. It's overwhelming."

O'Connor fulfilled her Olympic dream after initially missing out on qualification at the first Olympic trials in March. After failing to gain a place in the 200m individual medley, she competed in the 100-metre breaststroke on Friday, an event in which her previous personal best had been 1min 9.15secs. She got through the morning heats with a personal best of 1:08.61 then went even more quickly in the final, recording a new best time of 1:08.04.

That was well inside the Olympic qualifying standard of 1:08.49 and was good enough to secure her a place in Team GB, although the decision must still be ratified by the British Olympic Association.

She said: "I am so shocked. I found it so hard to deal with missing out in March but I had to get back in and do the hard work.

"At one point I never saw myself going to London but I've given everything in training. I've focused so much since then and now I'm going to the Olympic Games. It is just unbelievable."

Sean O'Connor, Siobhan-Marie's father, said: "Like most 16 year olds she was really looking forward to her prom, she has been since she started school - but it wasn't really discussed yesterday.

"We thought about heading back [on Friday evening] for an after party but it was going to be too late. We will have a celebration after the Olympics with all her school friends and she can get her dress.

"I'm a very proud dad, we're delighted that she made the qualification standard."

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