Dear Network Marketer:
Live Good - Network Marketing Done Right
The information on this page is for two groups of people:
1. People who love network marketing, but are struggling or feel stuck, and want to succeed.
2. People who are unhappy with their current company OR are looking for a company that is different.
I can tell you this: Traditional MLM is doomed! Most people want nothing to do with our industry because it's just too hard for the average person to succeed.
The days of overpriced products and required monthly auto-ships are gone. The days of home parties are gone. Thank goodness.
People are sick and tired of going broke trying to build a network marketing business. Trying to sell overpriced products NO ONE wants is painful. It's frustrating. It's plain stupid if you ask me.
The days of having a closet full of products you don't want, can't use, and can't sell are long gone. Buying starter packs to qualify for larger commissions? No thank you. We got rid of that, too.
While the concept of network marketing is still appealing to many people, the way most people do it is a big turn off. No one wants to have home parties, chase their friends and family, or keep an inventory. Do you?
Ever wonder why most people quit in 90 days or less? It's because they can't build the business selling overpriced products that most people don't want and can't afford.
The good news is WE FOUND A BETTER WAY.
Here's what we can offer you right now:
- No monthly auto-ships or monthly buying requirements. Buy when you want to or not at all. Plus, we have no starter packs to purchase.
- Affordable products people want to buy. Our products compete with Amazon prices. Plus, they are third party tested and come with a COA.
- No quotas. Do what you want, when you want without being penalized.
- We are an online shopper's club. Our membership is our product. We get paid to help the company find new members. We can also retail products if we want to.
- This business is affordable. If you pick the yearly payment, it's about $8 per month. If you do the monthly option it's just $9.95.
- Lucrative compensation plan. Six ways to earn. Weekly pay. Great for the part-timer or serious person.
All you need is a cell phone, email, and internet connection. This is a worldwide opportunity in almost every country.
This business is simple. It's taken away all the BAD THINGS about MLM and fixed it. I think of it as network marketing without the headaches.
So, if you're sick and tired of traditional MLM, and want something better, you are finally in the right place at the right time.
Check out our website to take a free tour and learn more about the products and opportunity. I know you will love what you find. See you on the other side.
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