Leveraging John Deere Combine Settings To Maximize Yield

Posted by Jd Combine
Apr 15, 2020
Image In today's world is it possible to achieve 100% output with minimal grain damage and losses in farming? That's the most difficult question to answer even for researchers. But, with the introduction of the latest combines that are built with advanced features, it becomes possible. John Deere Combine Harvester is one such invention that the farmers can use to thresh, reap, and winnow different types of crops like corn, oats, wheat, and more. However, to derive the maximum benefit out of these combines, you must know to use the right kind of John Deere Combine Settings.

To achieve the best performance, here are a few tips for John Deere Combine settings

1. Pre-season inspection

Inspect the John Deere Combine Settings to know if any component is damaged or worn out and check if these parts need to be replaced. This can be done only through a thorough inspection. Make an expert sit near you and run the combine during the inspection. This can help you find out any potential issues and ensure that the combine is in good condition to be taken to the field.

2. Analyzing trouble spots

There are specific wear points in John Deere Combine that require special attention. Check if they experience more friction and have become sloppy or stretched or loosened out. Such wear and tear of a particular point can have a great impact on the other parts of the combine as well, which will eventually affect the harvest.

3. Threshing and Auger Components

The efficiency of the harvest and prospective yield loss can be at risk even if there is small damage at the concave section. Therefore, it is crucial to have a close examination of the threshing and separation area for any damage in the rotor or concave. If any component has got worn down, it needs to be repaired or replaced.

4. Yield Monitor

Towards the beginning of each harvest season and in between the seasons, you need to have a check on the recalibrating screens. Have a yearly service or review done by the merchant to know more about the adjustments.

5. Changing cleaning shoe

Make fine adjustments to the cleaning shoe as per the John Deere Combine settings. This cleaning requires the utmost precaution.

6. Speed control

With so much innovation in the John Deere Combine settings, you have different speed control options. Always prefer moderate speed and start from the front to prevent pre-harvest loss.

7. Minor adjustments and final tuning

Before you get into harvesting, check the ground for any field loss and check the performance of the combine from time to time especially when field conditions change.

Harvesting is a challenging task for all farmers. But, the well-engineered and advanced technological features of the John Deere Combine has changed the whole situation. In particular, the different John Deere Combine Settings come to the aid of farmers to harvest different types of crops efficiently. The John Deere Combine Settings has been continuously updated with a focus on taking the harvest quality to another level and maximizing productivity.

For more information visit website https://www.estesperformanceconcaves.com

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