Let's talk about Google My Business

Posted by dinesh kumar
Oct 11, 2018

Are things easier or harder with the amount of competition that is brewing? Digital marketing is not what it used to be. With so much demand for better quality content under the dreading deadlines, marketers need all the tools on their tables - at their disposals to actually make a difference. The biggest tool for a digital marketer is his/her brain. Keeping up to date with the latest developments in business helps your brain stay sharp. Once you have that part of the business covered we can move on the other ones.

What is the first thing that comes to your mind when you hear the words - "creative tool for brand representation".  If you thinking Google My Business, we are on the right track. Through this app, you can get your brand to show up with your competitors on the Search Engine Results Page. You must have noticed all those Google Reviews, Photos, Descriptions, Call and Address information for even the smallest of brands of Google. All of this is done possibly only through Google My Business.

What do I get through GMB?

You get visibility. It puts up your brand up on the map. Sure, it is going to be a little blip on the radar at the start. But it's your start. How you go on to win over millions of audience depends all on the quality of your service and how you market it.

Better Impressions

Remember that quote all about first impressions being the best impressions? If your brand is out there making moves, people are going to take notice and google it. You can upload photos and pictures of your business right there through GMB. An interactive results page with the best you have to offer will create a positive image of your brand.

 Powerful first impressions can drive in loads of traffic of users willing to pass that hefty conversion barrier. One of the biggest reasons for new users to trust a brand comes through other customer reviews. There is something about to the hearing what other fellow customers think about your brand rather than hearing some corporate mumbo jumbo.


The thing about owning a brand website is that it requires maintenance. You have to always be on your toes and keep all the data up to date. Things need not be so hard when it comes to your Google My Business. Things are way more simple on this end of the spectrum. Just through a couple of clicks, you provide the latest details to your customer. Changed your number? Have a new branch established in another area? Need to remove an unflattering picture in the set gallery? It's all just a few clicks and scrolls away. No need to get hot and bothered about hiring a web designer with knowledge in CSS and javascript if you can handle it all by yourself.


Along with GMB, you get the ability to create posts about your latest offers. You might think that because you have invested in Fb ads, Instagram updates, you do not need to venture into this path. But trust me when it comes to marketing, the more paths you cover, the better brand awareness you create. Ever heard of putting all your eggs in the same basket? Yeah, we do not want to be doing that with your brand.

Reputation Management

Every SEO strategy succeeds in doing one thing - bringing ungodly amounts of traffic to your landing page. But what is the biggest deciding factor between another window shopper and an actual sale? It is the reviews that customers leave behind after purchasing that affects another potential buyer the most.

Through Google My Business, you can keep track of the reviews people leave behind and why they do so too. Even if you run the best business, there are going to be some disgruntled shoppers. Addressing them with an honest and professional manner can help create a positive vibe around your brand. Tell them that you are sorry for the issues that they had to go through and you are working to fix it. Actually, work on fixing the problem after that too. As a business, it is your duty to offer your trusting customers the best you have to offer. After all the best form of promotion is always word of mouth.

Final Words

Go on an implement Google My Business for your brand right now. It is absolutely free and you have nothing to lose by doing this. Unlimited potential along with 360 world vision is right here at your fingertips. Do spend time researching the best ways to build your brand personality. Take your time reading our blogs on Adhuntt that range from the basics of digital marketing to the most advanced SEO techniques you can use to boost your brand engagement. How did Google My Business help your brand? Or do you have any doubts or thoughts you would like to share? Do drop it all down in the comments section below and we'll get back to you ASAP. Until next time!


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