Let us Talk Briefly about CBD Edibles and its category

Posted by Greenroads Wholesale
Feb 6, 2017
CBD infused products are an exception for those who are who cannot smoke for some or the other health issues. CBD edibles are so advantageous that several companies offer CBD induced meal to the patients who are physically disabled and are not capable of cooking on their own. Inhaling or smoking is injurious as smoke exposes carbon, tar and carcinogenic substance. But, if cannabis is ingested orally, then it eliminates carcinogenic substance being entered our body. Cannabis, when taken as food, is first digested enters our blood flow and finally absorbed by the walls of the intestine. Cannabidiol is the best cure to nausea sufferer and it is also an essential source of nutrients. Some people consume such FOOD ITEMS with an aim of healthy well-being while others choose it because it gives a longer and fast acting effect than smoking. Because of such marvelous benefits of CBD, CBD products are highly preferred and some business minded people buy cannabis edibles in bulk with an aim of generating profit. Even you can find many online sources of CBD Oil Sale as a Retailer.

Though there are innumerable rare known forms of CBD products, generally CBD edibles are categorized in 3 general categories as:

  • Gastrointestinal uptake – stomach is the medium of digestion
  • Oral uptake – saliva is the medium of digestion
  • Hybrid – derived from gastrointestinal and oral ones

Don't get confused, let me clearly explain the above three general categories in the later part.


Most of the edibles are of the gastrointestinal category. Such vital nutrients are digested when it reaches the stomach. In stomach hormones that regulate the process of digestion get mixed with particles and then, essential nutrients are absorbed by stomach wall. Thereafter required nutrients get to mix with the blood and we get the result. Now, you can easily make out that how long and time-consuming process it is! Hence, gastrointestinal needs longer time to activate itself as long as 2 hours or more. Though the process is quite time-consuming, the result generated lasts after a longer time as up to 8 or 9 hours. Cookies, snacks, and brownies are of the gastrointestinal category.

Consumed Orally

Unlike gastrointestinal, such product is consumed orally and gives quick result. The process of digestion of CBD induced oral edibles is not as long as gastrointestinal. Such food item when consumed mixes with the saliva and hormones in saliva digest it. So from this, you can guess that how quick process it is!  Though we get quick results i.e. immediately after a patient consumes it, but its effect ends up soon.  These are active only up to 2 or 3 hours. Lozenges and tinctures are oral of oral category.


Food products like chocolate bars require both the process of its digestion. Some of its parts is dissolved in the mouth through saliva and the remained reaches the stomach where the nutrients are extracted, absorbed and supplied in the blood flow. Effect of hybrids lasts for a shorter time than gastrointestinal and longer than oral products i.e. up to 4 or 5 hours.
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