Latest 3D Printing Statistics

Mar 24, 2020

A recently conducted 3D printing statistics report by Sculpteo suggests that the majority of the engineering companies use 3D printing technology for manufacturing wherein 51% of the respondents were affirmative of using the same. It is quite fascinating that about 63% of the respondents believe that 3D printing, a subset of rapid prototyping will play a significant role in manufacturing and business context.

The massive majority of 80% is convinced that they have saved time utilising the technology. The infographic is an indicator of the rising trend of using time-saving, cost-cutting technologies to manufacture rapidly at mass levels.

Several studies indicate similar predictions and convey that the technology is now widespread in a lot of manufacturing and engineering procedures. Sphinx Worldbiz offers great potential to reap from 3D printing for the manufacturers across industries and provide scalable resources dedicated to the customer’s team and enhance manufacturing performance by manifold.

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