Know the benefits and disadvantages of wearing Neelam Stone
If in your horoscope Saturn is the factor of the main motive, then the Neelam Stone is used to strengthen that sense, wearing the sapphire gem comes in the mind, intensifies, changes the behavior, so that it will be around you Can understand better, Saturn is the cause of research, so when your mind is calm and intense then you are able to do good research.
1. Blue Sapphire is found in aluminum oxide and chromium, so chemically helps your brain to extract some of the discoveries.
2. If your mind has stopped working, whatever decision you make is wrong on the wrong, then Sapphire ratna relaxes the mind.
3. Sapphire Gem enhances your skills, so that you are able to do any work seriously.
4. When you feel that other people are becoming more dominant over you in the job, you do not feel inclined, who say that the saturation point of the brain has come that now there is no ability to think anything and neither to understand that, then Neelam Gems is for you.
5. Neelam stone is a distant sight, if a person is adapted according to his horoscope according to his horoscope, then that person can become brilliant.
6. If Neelam stone is not favorable to you then you will start to suffer tremendous pain in your hands and feet, you will fight around the world, using your own wrong money in your life will become impoverished, will produce opposite intellect, will make every wrong decision, Instead of finishing it will grow.