Know More About Solar Water Heating Systems

Posted by Emmvee Group
May 31, 2017

Over the years, we humans have evolved ourselves to great extent that it made our lives extremely easy and productive. But on the other hand, it has a down effect to the world in the form of degraded quality of our planet. And this is when we think of discovering new ways of energy that has zero downsides. It simply means that we should look for energy sources that cause zero harm to the planet unlike fossil fuels. And the best available energy source today is solar energy.

Thankfully our planet gets enormous amount of sun light throughout the year and it is found to be the most sought after way to discover a green source of energy. From generating electricity to heating water at boilers, sun could be a valuable source of energy for a range of applications. Among them, Solar Water Heating Systems are pretty much common, especially in countries that remain cold most of the year. You would be surprised to know that this kind of system can reduce CO2 emissions by up to 400 kg. Isn’t that a good idea?

These heating systems can be used both in homes as well as big Solar Energy Projects on industrial scale. If installation is carried out properly, these systems require lesser maintenance and add tremendous value to the project for years.

At a time when energy costs are mounting like nothing else, these systems allow people to ensure unlimited power at zero cost and with zero upkeep. Apart from ensuring long term savings on energy bills, homes equipped with solar water heating systems tend to have considerably concentrated carbon footprints. The procedure of transforming sunlight into energy does not discharge carbon dioxide or other harmful pollutants to the environment, making solar hot water a clean green renewable energy system.

Another plus point of having such a system is that it ensures a dependable supply of hot water all-round the year as solar hot water depends on sunlight, rather than air temperature, to warm up the water.

Solar water heating system does its job by heating water extracting energy from the Sun. It performs this function by collecting energy from sunlight in a solar collector and employing the same to heat and store water in a hot water cylinder for further usage.

A typical solar water heating system tends to provide around 70% of a typical household's hot water. However, this largely depends on sunlight hours throughout the year.  

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