Know All About the Process & People Involved in O&M of Solar Panels in India's Energy Sector

Posted by Osheen Kharbanda
Nov 1, 2021

If you wish to know about what goes behind the O&M solar, you have landed on the right blog. 

With the rising electricity tariffs, there has been a considerable increase in the demand for rooftop solar panels across the country. To meet this high demand for rooftop solar, the solar sector continues to focus on maintaining the efficiency of the existing assets to optimise power generation, and O&M teams play a crucial role in it. O&M solar teams work on-site and maintain all the necessary precautions during the manufacturing of rooftop solar panels

Who is in charge of O&M solar?

A rooftop solar PV system's operation and maintenance are handled by certified solar specialists familiar with the systems and PV components and any safety precautions. Although qualified professionals are not required to clean the panels or do agro maintenance near the panels, the staff who perform these duties are trained to avoid any physical damage to the panels. The solar technician handles the following PV maintenance activities:

  • Visual examination

  • Inspection of the rooftop solar system's performance

  • Taking preventative measures

What procedures are required in the upkeep of solar assets?

Solar panel maintenance entails a variety of procedures; here are a few of the most common:

  • Cleaning the panels and maintaining the area around them regularly

  • Checking all thermal-based components regularly

  • Taking thermal imaging and IV curve tracing

  • Diagnosing the cause of low power output

  • Managing warranties

  • Servicing equipment once a year

  • Circuit testing and maintenance

  • Measuring earth value

  • Flagging system check by the acquired data

What are the benefits of solar PV O&M companies?

When you acquire a car, you know it will need regular maintenance, and you enlist the help of a professional because you are unfamiliar with its inner workings. Similarly, many organisations worldwide have invested in solar power plants but are unaware of the technical components of the technology. However, they are aware that they must keep the factory in good working order to profit from their investment. This is when operations and maintenance businesses (O&M) enter the picture. These firms are hired on a contract basis and provide multiple services. 

Services offered by O&M solar companies

A solar plant has a 25 to 30 years lifespan, but this is only possible if it is adequately maintained. Thus, it is suggested to appoint an O&M solar team to maintain and maximise the rooftop solar panel's performance. Here are some services provided by an O&M solar company:

  1. 24X7 monitoring of the rooftop solar panels

  2. Real-time data collection and its analysis

  3. Repairing faulty devices 

  4. Delivering the best performing system

  5. Selecting KPIs to minimise costs 

  6. Maintaining solar power generation logs and tracking the rooftop solar panel's performance history

  7. Remote sensing of environmental conditions impacting panel's performance

  8. Monitoring energy production

  9. Tracking inventories, log of spare parts, etc.

  10. Maintaining a balance between performance, cash flows and scheduled maintenance costs

  11. Assessing inverters, devices and other components for repair and restoration

India has many solar plant maintenance companies, one of them being Mysun, a solar EPC company that specialises in solar equipment, skilled technicians and qualified experts that provide reliable rooftop solar solutions and services. To commence your solar journey and explore their services like solar calculators or solar financing services, visit their website today!

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