Know all about Acne Scars- Its Causes and Treatments

Posted by Pooja Sharma
Aug 17, 2019

Acne scars make people self-conscious and embarrassed about their appearance, and these scars may be present in the form of macules, post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation, and tissue scars. Some acne scars are permanent, and some fade away over time. Acne scar removal treatment provides with the best options, and also help to prevent future scarring. The following information can help to understand more about these acne scars, their causative factors, and treatment that helps to lessen their appearance.

What is an Acne Scar?

Acne scars are the outcome of pimples, inflamed lesions, and breakouts. These pimples or inflamed blemishes that occur when pores or follicles becomes engorged with excess oil, dead skin cells, and bacteria, that leads to inflammation. This inflammation causes the follicle to rupture, and the infected material destroys the healthy skin tissue. Acne scars appear as superficial indentations or injuries on the skin. Some acne scars are temporary and fade away naturally, but, some may be permanent. More significant the inflammation, more likely the scaring occurs. To know more about acne and acne scars, consult the Best Acne Doctor in Gurgaon.

Acne Scars Treatment in Gurgaon: Aster Dermatology

Types of Acne Scars:

There are mainly two types of acne scars:

1. Atrophic or depressed scars.

2. Hypertrophic or raised scar.

1. Atrophic or depressed scars

Atrophic scars mostly occur on the face and are commonly known as a depressed scar. They occur when the body does not produce enough collagen during the wound healing process.

Atrophic scars are further categorized as:

a. Boxcar Scar: They appear to be wide, U-shaped, and have sharp edges. They can be shallow or deep in appearance.

b. Ice pick Scar: These are narrow and appears like V-shaped. They resemble a lot like small round or oval-shaped holes, just like a chickenpox scar.

c. Rolling Scar: These appear like wide depressions and have rounded edges and are irregular in appearance.

2. Hypertrophic or raised scars

These scars are most commonly seen in the case of chest and back acne. They tend to rise above the surface of the surrounding skin and are caused by excessive collagen production during the healing phase. For example, Keloids.

Best Acne Treatment in Gurgaon — Aster Dermatology

Aster Dermatology, provides with the Best Acne Treatment in Gurgaon, by determining the root cause of acne and helps to get rid of acne permanently. Here are some recommended and most effective treatments that help to lessen their appearance:


It is a very effective acne scar removal treatment. It employs a high-speed brush-like instrument to remove the dead and scarred skin and drastically reduces the depth and appearance of these scars.


It is a lighter or less intensive version of dermabrasion treatment. In this procedure, the dermatologist uses a spray of small crystals like substances to abrade the skin, and remove the surface skin using vacuum suction, and this helps to reduce the appearance of pitted looking skin.

Chemical peels:

Chemical peels are effective in reducing the appearance of hyperpigmentation and shallow acne scars around a healed acne lesion. It involves the application of skin-friendly chemicals to the skin, which act on the outermost layer of the skin and removes it, giving it a smoother and an even-looking appearance.

Lasers Treatment:

Laser therapy uses a focused beam of light to remove the outer layer of the skin. This promotes the new skin cells formation, stimulate collagen production that all help to rejuvenate skin and provides an improved scar-free appearance. Various types of lasers are used, depending on the patient’s skin tone, texture, and type of scars.


Fillers are also considered as one of the most effective approaches to treat acne scars. These fillers are used to “fill out” void created by acne; they also help to break up scar tissue and stimulate collagen production. This helps to diminish the appearance of acne scars, and also improves the skin texture.

Acne and acne scars are bothersome skin concerns and must be addressed at an initial phase. To achieve healthy, young, and scar-free skin, visit Aster Dermatology today, that provides with the Best Acne Scars Treatment in Gurgaon.

Visit to book an appointment.

Clinic Address: Shop No 51, Sector 15, part 2 market Gurgaon, Opposite Fab India, Sector 15, Gurgaon — 122001

Contact: 9868649805

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