Know About the Necessity of Safety Shoes

Posted by Rohan Sinha
Apr 27, 2021

Industries are the place with heavy machinery, where workers work in hazardous situations. In a place full of machines and instruments, it kind of gets risky so it is essential to ensure the safety of the workers. To protect themselves from any kinds of injuries they wear safety gear like safety glasses, helmets, and specially designed suits. And out of those safety gears, the safety shoes play a major role in protecting the workers working in industries.


Usually, the safety shoes are designed to ensure utmost safety against extreme odds that arise in the industrial environment and they also facilitate comfort walk.


So first let’s learn about the few benefits of safety shoes.


* Safety shoes provide prevention from slips and fall-

Many annual accidents in industrial workplaces happen due to unforeseen slips, tripping, or fall. Although the industries take necessary measures to prevent those incidents from happening by installing anti-slip tape on the floor, there are no alternatives for a proper safety shoe that provides additional protection against trips, falls, and slips. Leather safety shoes with a good amount of grip or tractions prevent falling in a slippery environment. There is a leading brand called Liberty that provides very good quality leather safety shoes


*Safety shoes provide protection from burns-

Severe burns from industrial fires can take place in almost any working environment. And there may arise many situations where burns from chemicals and materials like cement, etc can take place. Chemical splashes, metal splashes, and other dangerous substances that could injure the skin on the feet/hands or any other part of the body can be avoided by wearing safety footwear made of strong, durable materials.


*It keeps the feet warm in extreme weather-

There are many places in this world where harsh cold weather can pave the way to injuries such as frost bites and hypothermia. These situations can be very critical for the workers and they shouldn't be overlooked. Employees working outside during the harsh weather conditions, as well as those working in a cold environment, are at risk. As a result, keeping the feet warm and comfortable becomes extremely important.


*It works as resistance from fatigue-

We already know that fatigue can be a major issue for workers who stand for long periods of time, particularly on hard surfaces like concrete. But we may not realize that if we don't wear appropriate footwear then the muscles in the feet, the legs, back and other important parts of the body can grow tired. Safety shoes provide a comfortable cushioning for the ankles and balanced arch support that can make people more comfortable which reduces any unnecessary strain on muscles resulting in less fatigued employees. This makes them more alert on their job and allows them to do their jobs safely and more efficiently.


*Safety shoes act as a savior from electrical hazards-

As we all know, electricity poses a heavy risk in the workplace. Workers in the industries are more likely to be prone to potential electric shocks from short-circuits, etc. Therefore to reduce the possibility of such electrical accidents, footwear made from leather, rubber or other materials that are bad conductors of electricity can be a lifesaver. These precautions by wearing industrial safety shoes significantly reduce the threat posed by naked wires, coils, good conductors of electricity, etc.


Article Summary: Hence after going through different benefits of safety shoes, one should realize the necessity of safety shoes in workplaces and how it is creating an impact on the lives of the workers. Safety shoes not only reduce injuries but also increases productivity at work which is also a big advantage. 

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