Kidney Transplant Surgery India At Low Cost – Kidney Transplant Cost

Posted by UroCare INDIA
Dec 22, 2017

Kidney Transplant Surgery In India

Kidney Transplant

Kidney transplantation is the best way to treat kidney failure or end-stage renal disease (ESRD). The benefits of a successful kidney transplant are many. Most people find they have increased stamina and energy. They can return to a more normal lifestyle, and those who were dependent upon dialysis can enjoy newfound freedom....


Where does a kidney come from ?

Kidneys for transplantation come from two different sources – living donors, or non-living (cadaveric) donors. Living donors are usually immediate family members or sometimes spouses. Cadaver kidneys are obtained from persons who have willed their kidneys before their death....


How is the right kidney found for me ?

Determining in advance whether a donated kidney is likely to be tolerated by your body is crucial to the success of your transplant. It is essential that your blood type and the donor's blood type – whether Type A, B, AB, or O – be compatible.....


The Kidney Transplant Procedure

Kidney transplantation involves placing a healthy kidney into the body where it can perform all of the functions that a failing kidney cannot. In most cases, the diseased kidneys, located in the back area, remain undisturbed. The new kidney is positioned in the pelvic area where it is surgically connected to nearby blood vessels.....


Where does your new kidney come from ?

Kidneys for transplantation come from two sources: living donors and deceased (non-living) donors. Living donors are usually immediate family members or sometimes spouses. Deceased donor kidneys usually come from people who have willed their.....


What happens during the kidney transplant procedure ?

Kidney transplantation involves placing a healthy kidney into the body where it can perform all of the functions that a failing kidney cannot.


The new kidney is placed on the lower right or left side of your abdomen where it is surgically connected to nearby blood vessels......


What happens to my old kidneys ?

In most cases, the diseased kidneys are not removed. There are three conditions that might require your diseased kidneys to be removed:

·         Repeated infection that could spread to the transplanted kidney

·         Uncontrollable hypertension caused by your original kidneys

·         Backup of urine into your kidneys (a condition called reflux)......


What are the benefits of kidney transplantation ?

A successful kidney transplant gives you increased strength, stamina, and energy. After transplantation, you should be able to return to a more normal lifestyle and have more control over your daily living. You can have a normal diet and more normal fluid intake.......


What are the risks of kidney transplantation ?

The risks of kidney transplantation are the same as those of any surgery. There is the risk of bleeding, infection, or breathing problems. You also might experience some side effects from the medications, and you could be more prone to infections, since the medicine you will take after transplantation lowers your body's ability to fight infection......


Live Donor kidney Transplant – Laparoscopic Nephrectomy

There is an ever-increasing demand for living kidney donors. Until recently, kidney donation from a living donor could only be accomplished through a surgical procedure called open nephrectomy (kidney removal). This procedure requires a large, muscle-cutting abdominal incision, removal of a rib and a relatively longer hospital stay and recovery period.......


What are the advantages of laparoscopic donor nephrectomy ?

Because laparoscopic donor nephrectomy is a minimally invasive procedure, donor patients experience significantly less discomfort, have a shorter recovery period and return to work quicker than a donor who has had traditional open surgery......


Who is a candidate for laparoscopic donor nephrectomy ?

Most people who are eligible for open nephrectomy are also eligible for laparoscopic nephrectomy. However, you may not qualify for the procedure if:

·         You have had multiple previous abdominal surgeries

·         You are significantly overweight

·         There is abnormal anatomy of the kidney.......

Pre-transplant donor evaluation

The pre-transplant donor evaluation provides complete information about your overall health and helps to identify any potential problems. During your evaluation you will have several tests performed, including a renal arteriogram, which examines the vascular system of the kidneys. There also will be several additional tests to make sure you are physically ready for the surgery......


During the surgery

The surgeon will insert a small needle into your abdominal cavity. The needle is connected to sterile tubing. Through the tubing, carbon dioxide is passed into the abdominal cavity to lift the abdominal wall away from the organs below. This space provides your surgeon with an excellent view and more operating space.......


Incision care

Your incisions will be covered with small pieces of tape (called steri-strips) that will gradually fall off on their own. If the strips do not fall off on their own, your health care provider will remove them at your 2-week follow-up appointment......


Follow-up appointment

A follow-up appointment will be scheduled about 2 weeks after your surgery. Your surgeon will assess the wound site and your recovery, and will provide further guidelines about your activity and diet at this time......


Where can my family wait during my surgery ?

Family members and friends are invited to wait for you in the Family Waiting Lounge. This waiting area has a play room for small children, a television, reading materials and comfortable chairs......


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