IVF Embryology training Embryologist training

Posted by Ashish Modi
Oct 17, 2014
Image Assisted reproductive technology (ART) is method used to achieve pregnancy by artificial or partially artificial means. It is reproductive technology used primarily for infertility treatments, and is also known as fertility treatment. Some forms of ART are also used with regard to fertile couples for genetic reasons  (pre implantation genetic diagnosis). ART includes in vitro fertilization (IVF), intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI), cryopreservation and intrauterine insemination (IUI). Usage of ART mainly belongs to the field of reproductive endocrinology and infertility.

Infertility is on the rise across the globe and more and more people are opting for the ART methods to achieve parenthood. The success of any IVF Clinic depends on the ivf laboratory, ART equipments, skill of the ivf specialist, embryologists and the technicians involved in the ART treatment. Success rates of ART can be improved by the collective wisdom and experience of the Scientists, Technologists, Embryologists, Endocrinologists and Clinicians working in this field.

There is a need for well trained professionals in the field of ART to meet the growing demand of Assisted reproductive technology (ART). There are many ivf centres but in comparison to that availability of trained professionals is very less. Instead of becoming only Ivf lab technicians, embryologists and lab technicians must be given time to time training on the successful operation of ART equipments and they must be made aware of all the latest developments and techniques in the field of ART.

Assisted Reproductive Technologies, be they Intrauterine Insemination, In Vitro Fertilization or Intra cytoplasm sperm injection - all need skill and precision which could be acquired from in depth knowledge and experience. Faced with the uphill task of molding the embryologists to perfection and providing utmost satisfaction to the spiraling needs demanded by this profession, Embryology Academy for Research & Training (EART) at every step strives ahead to perfection. Coupled with critical care management and laboratory skills, EART also provides a comprehensive exposure to the whole setup of assisted human reproduction. 

The main aim of the EART is to offer the most advanced and globally competitive training in the field of ART. Our centre besides being optically equipped with the state-of-art equipments, mentors the trainees by renowned embryologists, andrologists, biologists, reproductive endocrinologists and other experts in assisted reproductive techniques. Individualized training program provided by us, since its inception in the year 2003, has had the satisfaction of training national and international candidates. A constant desire for up gradation coupled with a motivated team spirit is EART's goal to success.

Efficiency, skill and speed coupled with precision and gentleness are the ideal requirements of a successful embryologist. In the learning curve, there are multitudes of essentialist to which an embryologist is exposed to; the one of utmost importance is "Actual hands-on training" – on a one to one basis. In EART an actual Working Laboratory like atmosphere and gadgets like stereo zoom microscopes and Manipulators, all provide the candidate with the utmost training facilities.

At EART we impart this knowledge through a balanced mix of various teaching modules, lectures, actual hands-on training and demonstrations that ensure proficiency for every aspirant at course end. Knowledge from the basics in embryology to the ultimate in cryosciences and laser devices all will be imparted by our dedicated team to ensure continuity of care. To justify the candidates' participation in our teaching modules and to ensure adequate interaction, we:
        Limit the candidates in a batch.    
    Provide one-to-one hands on training.
    Expose the candidate to the state-of-art equipment handling and care.
    Customize the training to suit specific needs.
    Invite internationally experienced training faculty.

The concept of "hands on", "one to one training" and ample assistance from the training faculty offer maximum opportunity to the candidate to sharpen his skills. The flexibility in the training courses cater to the individual's specific needs, and hence are made available as "Introductory", 'beginners" or "Advanced'. All hands on sessions will be preceded by a thorough theory lecture relating to the functioning, handling and subsequent maintenance of that specific gadget, to help the candidate make the gadget more users friendly.

It is an established fact that like any branch of medicine, assisted conception also requires precision and caution; qualities that can only be achieved through sound knowledge and expertise. It is with this purpose that EART has been formed to impart the knowledge and training to those Embryologists and Gynecologist who seek knowledge, an upper hand in all the latest developments with regards to Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART). Trainees will have ample opportunity to interact with the embryologists and observe procedures that are performed within the ART laboratory. The importance of laboratory maintenance, quality control measures and good record keeping will also be stressed during the course. The team at EART strives to assure the support to the professional & academic interests of embryologists working in India and around the world.

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http://www.ivftraining.com/courses_na_ART.aspx or at https://ivftraining.wordpress.com/embryology-training/
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