Is Ukraine suitable for investment?

Posted by Abraham Khan
Oct 10, 2021

Land prices and real estate in Ukraine have crawled consistently in recent years with a record growth recorded in the capital city of Kiev in the past two years. Basically the government does everything they can to act as a bridge between Western Europe and the east and the Commonwealth of Independent Countries and they also make it very attractive to foreign Investing in Ukraine.


There are free trade zones, expensive tax incentives and legal protection for businesses and individuals who bring investment and work to Ukraine and so that the economy goes well, the GDP creeps and has a new type of middle class, center. Local citizens' income improves the expansion period of the property market and for international property investors there are opportunities in the residential and commercial real estate market sectors.


Residential property market opportunities in Ukraine


Property investors can choose to target developing travel and tourism markets or they can see local requests for rental and resale real estate if their interest is a residential property in Ukraine.


In terms of travel and tourism markets there are requests from visitors to Ukraine and Russia on the Crimean Peninsula - especially in locations such as Yalta which has decent infrastructure and attractive tourism facilities. The rental season is long at the Crimea resort that is protected with short-term results that can be achieved very well.


In terms of local housing demand, Kiev is of course the initial location to be considered by an investor. Demand soared ahead of the offer and affordability increased but the price at which property prices and rental rates subject to costs have increased have led to the suggestion that the market has exceeded a realistic increase ... Of course there is still money to be made in Kiev but there is still a short-term focused money wise. The best alternative is Odessa which is an attractive city, but also grows as a tourism center, it has an established free trade zone that attracts strong investment and as a result of the population driven by the migration of locals from the migration of locals from baring outside. Regions looking for work and accommodation.


Investors can buy to let or buy stock runs for renovation and resold.


Commercial Property Market Opportunities in Ukraine


The two commercial property market sectors that offer the best potential investors for the growth and leasing results are ranked and retail offices.


Class A office space is deeper in demand and increasing demand in line with the amount of investment in the coming to Ukraine. This request is very intense in Kiev center and leads to a potential investor client base that looks out the city center limits for alternatives. There are a number of projects in the planning stage and some have been damaged so that investors can enter early - alternatives including buying stocks below standards and investing in repairs before renting them to the market waiting.


In terms of retail - Well, Ukraine has a shortage of retail space per capita when the nation compared to other European countries and this has attracted a strong focus of many international companies looking for markets with expansion. The best bet for investors

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