Is This What It's Like On This Earth

Posted by Spuncksides
Mar 31, 2012
Image I must go back to my childhood once again. I must have been between the age of 3-5 years. I will never forget this event, and I'm very positive it shaped the way I viewed my environment after discovering what really happened that day my father took my mother to the Dr. Office, the Dr. that delivered me into this world. We, my father and I, were waiting in the car of the office parking lot for my mother to return. While my father was browsing the newspaper I was looking around for something to keep me occupied. I noticed two older men maybe in their twenties seemingly playing tag. To me they were playing a game and I was very much entertained by their activity. It was humorous to me at that time as they chased each other over and under and around the car for several minutes. I remember calling my dads attention to this activity. He looked over towards them and kept browsing the paper. I could not understand why he was not amused as I was. Then, both went down on the far side over the vehicle and stayed down for what seemed to be 3 minutes. Suddenly one of the men jumped up and ran from the car drenched in red color from his neck to his abdomen. It took me 3 more years for me to figure this out, and when I figured it out I realized it was not a game at all they were playing. It was a moment of truth. From everything I heard in church, to what my teachers were telling me, and all my parents were saying, I was awakened to the cruel and evil word I was birthed into. I questioned God and all belief. "Why is this happening reflecting on all I experienced so early in life!" 'Is this what I have to expect to look forward to in the future!" I questioned God? Why was I even born here? These are questions I faced for the larger portion of my life. Until now. Now that I have the answer I find closure and appreciate what was, is , and forever was given. Thank you Father in heaven, all praise is due you for your glory and honor. I praise you for deliverance by your wisdom, strength, and might. I give you the honor forever. AMEN
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Comments (7)

Online Marketing Connection

Queen, I found the answer not many years ago. I do see it from another angle. We can't go back and change what was. we only have the ability to change what is. I'm changing what is.

Aug 31, 2024 Like it

Online Marketing Connection

I had forgotten this post. Your responses are appreciated. Thanks for making it real!

Oct 21, 2014 Like it
sunil a.

I am a blogger

You need my time machine buddy.

Apr 3, 2012 2 Likes Like it
Harry S.


I thank you for sharing and you're right about helping the youth.

Apr 2, 2012 2 Likes Like it

Online Marketing Connection

Thanks for both of you adding your feelings and thoughts to this submittable story. I'm very grateful to this day for the realizations that resulted from these experiences. I think this is why I tend to support most any new idea regarding the help of our young.

Apr 2, 2012 1 Like Like it
Harry S.


I wonder how many children are facing the same storm day in and out. How many of us continue to read the paper or ignore problems at hand when it comes to others. God's gift of life and love to us is often overshadowed by our own selfishness. Now I know in this circumstance there was probably nothing your dad could have done to prevent the action. What I am saying who could have prevented this from going to such extinct.

Sadly this world is about me. My money, power, sex and the careless atti

Mar 31, 2012 2 Likes Like it
QueenHajar Akanqi


Wow Alvin, It shows at a child's eye, how the world is view. So much love and a wonderful
fun place. We couldn't wait to wake up in the morning to see what fun we will have. But,
what if from this lesson as a child, you were seeing the world from another angle, that
most forget to see or realize. It's like looking through the looking glass. "Just A Thought"

Mar 31, 2012 1 Like Like it
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