Is SEO Still Worth It in 2021?

Posted by Robert Johnson
Dec 1, 2020

The process of optimising websites' positions in search engine rankings is still be alive and well in 2021. But don't just take our word for it at SEO Sunshine Coast – there are good reasons. However, like many other aspects of technology, SEO is constantly developing and changing.

Whilst Google continues to change its algorithms in order to make previous SEO methods harder to use effectively than before, there is still one simple truth. When it comes to getting browsers, prospects and customers to visit websites, organic traffic is still king. And that's where SEO comes in!

Changes in algorithms have put paid to some SEO strategies that previously worked well – but there is still a place for well written, quality content that is geared towards target audiences. This is something that search engines will continue to reward, and means that the content is more likely to be consistently well ranked, without being subject to vagaries in algorithms.

This doesn't mean keywords no longer matter. They still do. But a closer focus on those keywords which work best for each client is what brings the best results. It's a case of quality over quantity. And for local business, this is especially important in rising to the top in local Google searches, where the potential customer base is limited and the competition is arguably fiercer.

Also, in 2021, there will be a greater focus on improving websites' semantic search values, where the site content more closely reflects how users are searching for what they have to offer in much more subtle, human ways. Such as, thinking about the sorts of questions users are likely to ask, as well as targeting the most important information they are likely to be looking for.

SEO is changing – but for 2021, it's still worth it!

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