Is Olive Oil Beneficial For Your Health?

Posted by Luessi Dino
Jun 14, 2021
It is a common notion that oils are harmful for health. However, natural olive oil quite the opposite, with plenty of health benefits ranging.

Olive oil is one of the most popular vegetable oils for cooking purposes. If you use olive oil to cook, or are planning to, it is normal to wonder about it effects on health. You would be glad to know that olive oil health benefits are plenty and this oil is highly sought-after by health-conscious people. Olive oil comes without several of the unwanted properties that most other oils do, such as unhealthy fats.

  • Anti-inflammatory: Olive oil carries several anti-inflammatory properties. This enables olive oil to relieve external as well as internal pains. Olive oil is also quite beneficial for those suffering from chronic inflammation. It might be noted that diseases like cancer, arthritis, Alzheimer’s, etc. are thought to be driven by chronic inflammation.

  • Doesn’t cause weight gain: It is common knowledge that oils carry various fats which lead to weight gain and obesity. However, these fats are absent in olive oil, due to which olive oil doesn’t cause this effect. This is why the Mediterranean diet is helpful for those trying to lose weight.

  • Keeps the heart healthy: A few decades ago, it was noticed that heart diseases are uncommon in the Mediterranean region. This is because the Mediterranean diet consists of large amounts of olive oil. Olive oil helps to lower blood pressure and prevents blood clotting, leading to better heart health. Heart diseases are the most common reason behind deaths globally.

  • Anti-bacterial: Olive oil is known to carry anti-bacterial properties. Certain nutrients in olive oils help to fight eight strains of bacteria. Three of them are resistant to antibiotics, which makes olive oil an effective yet simple medication. In particular, olive oil is helpful against certain bacteria which cause stomach cancer and stomach ulcers.

  • Rich in monounsaturated fats: Unlike most oils, natural olive oil is rich in monounsaturated fatty acids. Also known as oleic acid, these constitute about 73% of the oil content. Contrary to most fats which are deemed harmful for health, monounsaturated fats are actually beneficial. In fact, the anti-inflammation properties and the ability of olive oil to help against cancer is largely due to the presence of these fats.

  • Helpful for digestion: Olive oil is greatly beneficial for digestion and also helps in beating constipation. It stimulates the gastrointestinal tract, as a result of which the food can move down smoothly. The oil also improves the mobility of food in the colon. For those suffering from constipation, a tablespoon of olive oil with a teaspoon of lemon juice is a natural remedy.

  • Anti-oxidant: Olive oil is very rich in anti-oxidants. These provide your blood cholesterols with protection from oxidation and help to boost the anti-inflammable properties. Additionally, the good cholesterols present in olive oil remove plaque and toxin formation from the bloodstream.

The benefits of olive oil on health go on and on. It is also quite helpful in maintaining good brain health and reduce depression. These health benefits are why among the several types of refined vegetable oil, olive oil is one of the most popular.