Is more likes on Facebook actually worth it?

Posted by Sriram Swaroop
Sep 21, 2018

The ever reigning king of social media - Facebook has been in the game for more than a decade. The extensive experience that this platform has gained through time is amazing. With more that 2 billion active users logging in everyday, Mark Zuckerberg has built a world for his own. A world where people from all the over the world can find and connect with each other over long distances. It is amazing how you can reconnect with that long lost childhood friend in just moments. From a personal point of view, this is beautiful.

Now let us look at the business side of things. From a brand's point of view, there are two things that always run on the back of your mind - Likes and shares. You want your brand to reach it's maximum potential and have the most reach as possible. In thinking about your brand in terms of the likes you get is a very unhealthy way to do business. A lot of newcomers in the game get brainwashed by scammers who tempt them into unethical ways of getting more likes on their page. You must have come across such pages online. Of course, they have got more likes on Facebook, some even going up to hundreds of thousands - but do they get engagement? Do they actually convert to profits? Every millennial on the planet knows how to spot a bot boosted account from a genuine one.

It is time you stopped paying your way to get likes, comments and shares. We need to get you up and out there through the organic way, the hard way, the worthy way. Let us see how we can go about this

Develop a brand strategy

The main difference between a brand that works and one that inevitably fails is how well their branding strategy is. You don't want to go all in winging it. Researching online sometimes will give you some one hit wonders who did it all without any planning and their inspiring words can even convince you to just go ahead! But those are such rare cases - I am not telling you that it wont work, but you have a much higher probability of winning with a well thought out branding strategy.

Target your specific crowd

You heard me telling you about the 2 billion + active users on Facebook right? Does this mean that you should try to appeal to all of them? Why would you try to sell a bacon to a vegan? Start thinking of your audience in terms of what they expect out of your. Find your tribe, your crowd, your people and keep them happy. Once you start coming up with posts that totally get the lifestyle that your actual audience live, you'll start finding that your likes and shares are boosting up. There will be actual boost in sales. Finally a method for more likes on Facebook that works? You got that right.

Actual engagement is what drives sales.

Competition Research

Don't think of your competitors as your enemies. Look at them as peers and as you work on your strategies, have an eye out for theirs as well. Success is built upon many failures. You learn from your mistakes and keep moving forward in the right direction. Why not learn from the mistakes of your competitors as well? Some brands try out unique marketing strategies that could be a hit or a miss. Such experimental marketing strategies should be kept a note of. You should know what they are trying to milk out of the process and be on your toes to check if it worked or not.

Figure out why their strategy failed and try tweaking it to suit your brand values. But what if their experiment works and is a super hit. There are two things you can do. You could also jump of the bandwagon( like probably every other brand in eyesight) or you could study the potential demerits of their successful campaign. Work on your content in such a way that your campaign fixes those issues and is much better. Now publish it and you will see positive engagement that money can't buy.


What are the two things that stand out on your Facebook business pages. Your profile picture and your cover picture. These are the two important tools control the entire look, feel and vibe of your page. Choose a picture that is professional and is to the point. Something like a minimalist version of the the logo will do.

Choosing the cover picture should be more in the lines of a picture that captures your essence. Invest in good graphic designing to bring out a picture that carries a nice vibe and encapsulates what you are and what you stand for. Take your time coming up with a good piece of content for the About Us page. Do not use keyword stuffing or such cheap tactics. A creative little piece of text where the keywords are mentioned once of will do. Once you have that nailed down its time for the next step.

The Final Step

Now that you have the design and the content locked down, it is time for some actual promotion. Using Facebook's business tools you can target your actual audience. Stop wasting the Ad Money and invest wisely. Choose a digital marketer who knows their stuff. Adhuntt is one such digital marketing that goes beyond just more likes on Facebook. You can get a completely new look and brand new content at the most affordable of prices. Let us reboot your Facebook game and get your brand the attention it deserves. Until next time, Ciao!

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