Is ethical hacking is good career option?

Posted by Bhupendra Dwivedi
Dec 14, 2021

As we all know, hacking is somehow a criminal act because it involves stealing the private data of an individual and companies while accessing their computer systems. Hacking is a bad thing, but let us know what ethical hacking is and if it is a good career choice in Cybersecurity.

What do ethical hackers do?

Ethical hackers were paid a good amount of money for breaking into the computer systems. Cybercrime fighters must think of themselves as black-hat hackers and understand the strategies to block intruders so that they do not engage in criminal activity. Ethical hackers are engaged in a number of activities like vulnerability assessments and different strategies which are required to keep organizations safe and secure from cyber attacks.

  • Malicious attackers are being stopped from stealing private data.
  • Networks and systems are discovered correctly to find vulnerabilities.
  • The weak points are hardened and are being defended securely.
  • Secure networks are put on to deter security breaches.
  • Safeguard the assets and information of the organization and win their trust.

How Cybersecurity is being helped by ethical hacking

Multiple layers of solutions are required if any kind of cybercrime epidemic problem occurs. With the help of ethical hacking, cybercrime can be disrupted and the hackers' techniques can be analyzed by counteracting their efforts.

It is critical for both businesses and governments because it secures assets and information while also defending people and shared infrastructure.

Demand for ethical hackers

As we all know, cybercrime is increasing day by day, which is why the demand for Cybersecurity professionals and ethical hackers is also increasing. It has been predicted that in the upcoming years, the demand for ethical hackers is going to be about 30 to 40 million. Because there are too many talented people in this field, there will be zero percent unemployment.

Ethical hacking is a common career.

There are some job titles that are present in ethical hacking which are:

  • Penetration tester
  • Vulnerability assessor
  • analyst of information security
  • security analyst
  • A certified ethical hacker
  • security consultant
  • security engineer
  • The security manager of information

Depending upon the job position, there are different kinds of skills that are required, such as:

  • Computer systems and networking with strong knowledge are being required.
  • For regularly used operating systems such as Linux, Windows, etc., you must understand the updated security protocols.
  • To assess vulnerabilities, he must be able to hack the network and computer systems.
  • They must be experts in erasing digital evidence of system intrusions.
  • Coding ethics and encryption techniques must be known.
  • must know how to take techniques and measures while having common cyber attacks.

How to Become an Ethical Hacker

Well, in this part, education and experience will play a significant role. A bachelor's degree in computer science is sufficient for this role. Related to network security, if anyone has worked or has any work experience in some kind of network support or engineering role, it will be an additional benefit for this career. Getting certification from a professional institute is also remarkable for getting into this profession.

How a master's degree will help you out

Some big organizations are on a wave to have the professionals in this profile have a master's degree as there are no criteria or need to have advanced education for different roles. The following are examples of advanced knowledge or obtaining a master's degree:

  • Providing extra practical skills and knowledge of a comprehensive nature.
  • Providing an advantage in the job market while having competition.

With different kinds of job openings, Cyber security has become a fast-growing, high-paid field and has become a very lucrative career for all.

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