Is a Doctorate Necessary to Be Called "Professor" When Teaching Undergraduates?

Posted by Edu Lloyd
Jul 30, 2024

The title "Professor" carries significant weight in academia, often associated with a high level of expertise and authority. But is a doctorate degree essential to earn this title, especially when teaching undergraduates?

Understanding Academic Titles

In many universities, the title of "Professor" is reserved for those who hold a doctoral degree. A Ph.D. or equivalent is often required to achieve the rank of a full professor, signifying a high level of academic achievement and contribution to the field. However, the use of the title can vary significantly between institutions and countries.

Qualifications and Titles

While a doctorate is typically required for tenure-track positions and higher academic ranks, there are exceptions. In some institutions, individuals with a master’s degree and significant professional experience or contributions to their field may be designated as professors, particularly in teaching-focused roles or professional programs.

Teaching Undergraduates

Teaching undergraduates does not always require a doctorate. Many universities employ lecturers, instructors, or adjunct faculty with master’s degrees or equivalent experience. These educators play a crucial role in undergraduate education and may sometimes be informally referred to as professors by students, though they may not hold the official title.

Institutional Differences

The criteria for being called a "Professor" can differ. In some countries, the title is strictly regulated, while in others, it can be more flexibly applied. For example, in the United States, the title of "Assistant Professor" often denotes a faculty member who is on the path to tenure and does not necessarily require a completed Ph.D. at the start of their appointment.


While a doctorate is a common requirement for the official title of "Professor," it is not an absolute necessity for all teaching roles, especially for undergraduate courses. Institutions value a combination of academic qualifications, teaching ability, and professional experience. Therefore, the path to being called a "Professor" can vary widely, reflecting the diversity of roles within higher education.

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