iOS app development - 5 ways Swift makes it better

Posted by Kay P.
Jun 22, 2018

The world of business today is guided by technology. Be it mainstream forms of technology, or the rising trends of new alternatives, businesses today are paying a great deal of attention to technology integration as a key avenue to enhancing business impact, as well as growth and profitability.

The current generation of technology for enterprises is represented by mobile apps. Ever since the growth and development of mobile computing, as well as smartphone technology, mobile apps have become a major point of interest for a great many industries. This is mainly owing to the fact that their effective use entails a boost in the reach, as well as scope.

As far as mobile apps for business enterprises go, there two major platforms up for consideration - iOS, and Android. Of these, the former is considered to be the ideal choice for businesses that are just starting out with mobile app integration, and also for startups. This is because iOS as a platform represents a significant amount of capital recovery (ROI).

This is because iOS has a high possibility of in-app advertising revenue, along with a large number of in-app purchases, as well as purchased apps themselves. As a new business owner, you will, therefore, want to make a smart first move by opting for iOS app development. But before doing so, you must know all the necessary information that will help you to make the smartest decisions as you go along.

The Programming Language

Typically, and historically, iOS app development has always been carried out on the platform of the Objective C programming language set. Now, however, there is a newer, more efficient alternative to this that has appeared on the horizon over the past 4 years. This is Swift – Apple’s newest and most improve programming language offering.

Swift is an object-oriented programming language that is used for app development across all the iOS platforms, such as MacOS, tvOS, watchOS, etc. First introduced by Apple in 2014, Swift was developed as an enhancement over C and Objective C languages; mainly in the aspects of usability, as well as compatibility. Ever since its release, Swift has grown rapidly into the development standard for all iOS app development ventures.

Here are the reasons that you should adopt Swift as the programming language for your iOS app development:

  • Cost feasibility

When it comes to iOS app development, there exist only two options for prospective app owners to choose from - Objective C, and Swift. Of these developers tend to charge far greater amounts of development fees when it comes to Objective C programming, almost as high as 100,000 USD. Swift is relatively more reasonable, with developer fees being close to 95,000 USD on average. The price disparity may not be very great, but even 5000 USD can prove to be a crucial amount when it comes to new (startup) businesses.

With rapid app development platforms like HokuApps, iOS app development is made easy on an automated platform where 90% of the app development is automated. In other words, automation equals affordability.

  • Open source

Swift has been developed as an open source programming language, which means that the entire source code is made unanimously accessible to all those working with Swift. This will end up resulting in better-performing apps since the groundwork is laid out in a collaborative manner. This is something that your iOS app development will benefit greatly from, and bring a greater amount of ease, efficiency, and flexibility to your enterprise app development.

  • Simpler coding

Swift comes with relatively simple syntax guidelines, as it is much closer to the English language. Furthermore, the language also integrates the usage of multiple higher-order functions, which reduces the length of the overall coding. The enhanced simplicity of Swift has led to a growing number of young developers opting to learn the language. This has caused an increase in the number of options for business owners looking to opt for iOS app development. Furthermore, the larger number of iOS app developers to choose from has also led to better pricing choice.

  • Security

Nowadays, there exist major concerns around technology when it comes to security. The notion that the more advanced technology gets, the more vulnerable it is; has rooted itself in the minds of a great many people, making them paranoid, and often reluctant to use technology. And this is for good reason too, with spying, cyber-stalking, privacy invasion becoming child’s play for those are able to navigate computing systems. The security concern is very high when it comes to mobile apps as well, especially new ones. This is where Swift greatly augments your iOS app development, through its advanced security features that are very simple, and cost-effective to maintain.

  • Linux advantage

Swift allows for iOS app development to be carried out using Linux. Having cross-platform capability, Linux can potentially open up several business avenues for new businesses, by giving them the capabilities of multiple devices, as well as platforms. For a business, the greater the number of devices to be harnessed, the greater is the chance of revenue.

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