Increase the life of You Combine Machine With Using these Combine Harvester Maintenance Tips

Posted by FIELD KING
Nov 2, 2020

The harvesting season is started and this is the time to take good care of your agricultural machinery so that you can use them with full potential on the field. This is a harvesting season and you need to prepare your combine harvester for action. For the smooth field operations, all moving parts of the combine machine should be properly checked. Sudden failures or poor execution of harvester significantly hit yields, as time fixing combine machine takes away from big-time that could be used in harvesting the crops. 

Here we made a list of combine maintenance tips that will help you in smooth harvesting operations and add some years in your machine life. Scroll down to read. 

  • Clean Your Combine Machine
  • Inspect Your Combine Harvester Header
  • Check Augers
  • Drive Chains
  • Inspect Gearbox
  • Accessories and tools that need a replacement
  • Auger Working
  • Service Checks
  • Smoothness of Moment
  • Stand for Safety

Lets Explorer them one by one. 

1. Clean Your Combine machine

A clean combine machine can help your operations in the best manners like you can clearly spot damage and possible problems. This helps you instant solution and also save your machine from rusting and paint fading problems.

2. Inspect Your Combine Harvester Header

When you ready to go on the field then hight of the header and its contour controls needs to reevaluate so that it can't create any problems in the harvesting operations. 

3. Check Augers

In a combine, harvester header looks for the sickle spears and guards of cereal table header, examine teeth in augers and spindle. if you find any problem then start working on that. 

4. Drive Chains

Chains are an important element of any moving machinery. In a combine harvester, grain head body chains and sprockets need to be examined for any wear and tear. 

5. Inspect Gearbox

In once a year, the gearbox combine machine need to check. A gearbox of combine machine work as mini-transmissions so pay a close attention on that see if it needs parts replacement or lubricant addition. 

6. Accessories and tools that need a replacement

Before going for any collecting works, investigate all bands for wear and renew if needed also look for chains and bearings. Reestablish chains that can’t be altered or tensioned exactly.

7. Auger Working

Unloading system auger edges are also vital if they become sharp like a razor blade then there are chances that it can damage your grins and fine products. Add new auger so that it can't do any damage. 

8. Service Checks

At the beginning of the harvesting, season take your machine to the serviceman so that he can check essential things Engine oil levels, fuel filter condition, air cleaner, and hydraulic oil to help you in smoother harvesting operations. 

9. Smoothness of Moment

If you want that your machine can make you feel comfortable with the harvesting operations then you need to check your operator’s manual and find all the points that need grease init. Find those areas where you find difficult to put grease and sole the problem. 

10. Stand for Safety

When you are working with the big machine like a combine harvester a proper safety measure needs to be taken care of. Test all lights, flashers and reflectors for better clarity and visibility when you are moving this machine on road.

With regarding these combine maintenance tips your combine machine will perform many harvesting periods also this will help you to save extra servicing costs too.

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