Important Trends to Know in SEO Industry

Posted by Catalyst Strategic
Feb 25, 2020

Everybody is thriving to win Google and the audience. They work hard to know the trends in SEO. One would already know that content is very important. To be specific, the quality, the authenticity of the content, media type and audience targeting are all very important aspects according to the  SEO Agency Melbourne . The fundamental principle of SEO is to make websites very easy to find and understand. But the competition compels us to stand out. Here are the top trends which you should get to know. 

BERT and user-focused Optimization


BERT is an algorithm of Google which was recently launched in 2019. It gained a lot of attention and now every professional wants to know how to deal with BERT. For this, one has to reassess the user access point.  The next step is to search and align the content with it. The mechanism of how the crawler works on indexing and other settings. It is very important to know the fundamentals of clean architecture and content delivery. 


It should be taken seriously as users have several options today to search for the things they want. Through BERT, Google has gone forward from pure string matching to intent matching. The ranking and the featured snippets algorithm is more challenging now. This requires the content to be exactly written on the user intent that just the string on which the user will search. Search Engine Optimization agency confirms that Keyword research tools will not help now. 


Only the smartest is the smartest SEO ideas well reach the customers in the first place. Keyword research is going to be obsolete very soon. The time has come for natural language processing and deep learning to have high time working and keywords are going to shift to intent. Google is working very hard to update and optimize the search results that depend upon the intent of the user than the mere focus on the content or keyword matching. 

Voice search


People have started searching for how they speak. Voice searches are very popular. It is common to find people to check for queries using their voice. SEO Agency in Melbourne has noted that these voice searches are pretty long. However, users will expect accurate information for the exact questions they ask. Users who search for long-tail keywords are more likely to be converted. Bullet list answers for the voice queries can increase the chances of ranking.  

Marketers will leverage influencers for SEO


Reports tell that 17% of the businesses spend half of their and their marketing budget on influencers. Especially in the industry of fashion beauty E-Commerce travel and Lifestyle the statistics highlight the importance of influencer marketing. Users are more likely to trust information from an influencer than from an ad. This makes us understand that there is an amazing relationship between influencer marketing and SEO. This can help to increase the traffic considerably, improve visibility and increase the content reach.  

People want digital experiences


SEO agency near Melbourne stresses the companies to move towards a digital-first approach to improve the customer experience. Page load speed is very important. The effort of making great content can go in vain if your page does not load quickly. Having a simple and clear user interface can do a lot to improve traffic and increase customer engagement. To be a successful business you have to understand the importance of building a long term relationship with the customers. You have to identify the blocks that customer experiences and address them as quickly as possible.  

Video is the king of the content


Both users and Google love videos. Make sure that your SEO strategy and digital marketing efforts give an appropriate place to the videos. Understand the fact that a video is 50 times more likely to show up on the first page of the search result. Search Engine Optimization agency suggests creating YouTube videos for your already existing content. This will increase your traffic and sometimes also result in the first page.  

Length of the content will determine the search ranking


There is another aspect which can help you with this. It is the length of the content. Reports tell that the average length of the content which results in the first top 10 results will have at least two thousand words. You would have now understood that long-form and high-quality content with Catalyst Strategic an SEO agency will enjoy more visibility. 

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