Important Tips to help your Garden to Survive in Cold Winter

Posted by Jenny Holmes
Jul 9, 2019

The amount of investment physically and emotionally that goes into maintaining a garden is immense, but it gives back accordingly as well. Preparing your garden for the cold of the winter then, becomes crucial if you want it to survive till next spring and thankfully, although it requires a little bit of effort, isn’t in the least bit impossible and here are a few tips to help you out!

1. Winter means goodnight, but not bye-bye

Some plants are meant to die during winter and there isn’t much you can do to save them, but what you can do is clean up the garden and veering whatever isn’t an annual. Annuals won’t be able to bare hard frosty winds and will instantly be killed. They would’ve already reproduced for the next spring however so “putting the garden to bed” is important to do. Make sure you know which ones are perennials though as perennials may look dead but that’s just them lying dormant focussing on strengthening other aspects such as nutrition intake, roots, etc. Things may get a lot slower of less obvious during the winters, but there’s still a lot going on!

2. Cleaning up

Plants that have died due to disease should be weeded out and not be added to your compost piles, those with natural deaths due to cold weather etc. can however safely be added to you compost dump. Leaves can be used as mulch as well so be aware of what it is, you’re throwing out or adding.

3. Repairing

Fall is the ideal time to make whatever needed repairs you need to make to your bed, garden tools, greenhouses, etc. and is also the best time to create a new garden bed that’ll be all ready for when spring comes around. With various places like Wodonga Sand & Soil, Begley’s Backyard, etc. offering garden equipment in Albury and Wodonga, you’ve got a wide variety of up-to-date options available.

4. Helping out the Perennials

The assistance your perennials require will depend on the intensity of winter your zone faces. If the cold is intense, try to do as much as you can to help out your perennials such as adding mulch or picking up the tender bulbs and placing them in a cool dry space to be replanted next season. There are various places which offer the option to hire plant equipment in Albury and Wodonga which you can take advantage of for this purpose.

With these tips you can ensure that your garden can survive in cold winter season.

Summary: - Winter season could be detrimental for your garden and it is required on your part to take good care of your garden. Here are some useful tips to help you with taking good care of your garden.

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