Important Considerations Related To Gluten-Free Food Catering Services Sydney

Posted by Sarah Taylore
Aug 11, 2021
In the party or any other kind of event, the food remains the most important part and this is why, people don’t compromise on this aspect. They are always ready to serve the best food services while considering search and every dietary requirement. 

In terms of catering services Sydney, different dietary requirement are there and there might be a case, where people would ask for gluten-free food or catering. 

The good thing is that catering agencies these days are fully equipped with everything they need for organising gluten-free meal. 

Here in this post, let us take a look at a few tips and tricks that will help you organise a perfect and unforgettable gluten free catering. 


Before deciding about the type of catering, it is important for the event organiser to research a bit about the dietary needs of all the guests. Yes, this sounds tough, but getting an overview of the same is not going to be tough at all. 

Often people commit this mistake of increasing the number of dishes thinking that those having dietary specifications can adjust for at least one meal. In most cases this happens, but certainly not with the people having allergies to gluten. 

They have such a high level of allergy to gluten they can’t even tolerate one meal that has gluten in it. In fact, their food can’t even be prepared in the utensil in which gluten-based food was prepared earlier. 

Therefore, as an event organiser, it is very important that you carefully consider those having allergy to gluten ad make arrangements to prepare their food items totally separately, right from the scratch. 


Safety and carefulness are the two most important prerequisites in terms of preparing gluten free food and the catering agency chosen by you should be fully aware of this. They should try and arrange the best catering services using all their skills, expertise and experience along with full focus on the method of preparation. They should try and avoid cross-contamination of food at any cost because this is a very common occurrence. 


  • Cooking gluten free pasta and traditional pasta separately, but in the same pot without washing it between uses
  • Using the same utensils to serve food with and without gluten

Other than this couple of examples, experts also recommend separating the gluten-free food from those that might contain gluten or even have traces of the same. This will ensure that no cross contamination occurs to annoy the guests or ruin their dining experience.


The agency chosen by you for catering services Sydney should be well-versed with the entire variety of food items that can be served under the tag of "gluten-free food". 

Yes, this is a fact and there is an endless list of food items that you can serve to your guests having allergy to gluten. There are unlimited options available in breads and then, there are lots of delicious gluten free rolls, desserts and croutons that can be offered to the guests.


  • What are gluten free options?
  • Are your gluten free menu items cooked separately?
  • Have you had any incidents of cross contamination?
  • How do you serve your gluten free menu options at events you cater?

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