If you could bring in SEVERAL HUNDRED dollars A WEEK, starting now, would that still help you?

Posted by Gwen Trullinger
Jan 20, 2012

Is their a particular reason why you are looking for work at home?  Need a bit of extra income to take the edge off the monthly cash flow?

I invite you to go through our presentation at: http://onfirematrix.com?id=onefinefox

What I am going to do is share with you everything once more and when I am done, I will be more than happy to answer any questions you might have. Sound fair enough?

I know when I was considering starting this business, the first thing I wanted to know was, "How much is this going to cost me,"  ""RIGHT"". You can get started for ONLY $65 and you will receive over $700 in products and marketing materials..  (move to the next pargraph quickly after giving the cost) getting your business started the way the professionals do and with our system you can make SEVERAL hundred dollars RIGHT NOW and And the amazing thing  is You'll be building Lifetime Residual Income as you work your business.

The name of our company is OnFireMatrix®. Have you ever heard of us?

OnFireMatrix® is a ground floor level opportunity and  is based out of Florida. We are internationally recognized and continue to grow to offer people a career to succeed working from home. What we do {firstname} is teach you how to promote education, training and have the opportunity to make a significant income working from home. 

The company’s very purpose for existence is to improve the lives of all we come in contact with...in other words it is all about helping people.

We are very unique in the products that we market that will make available to you. We offer First Class Educational and Training Materials in the form of digital products that are delivered to you instantly from the point of getting started in the company. Products that will help you learn the keys to being able to make money from home and also be able to make 100% profit from these products. In other words with On Fire Matrix you truly are in business for yourself, but not by yourself. What I mean by that is we are here to help you every step of the way.


We offer an online automated marketing system called OFM system that gets people who are already interested. We provide you with different online forms, so when YOUR guest visits YOUR OFM system and fills out a form requesting information they are directed to a short presentation that does a lot of the explaining for you. Once they go thru this presentation they are then directed to your own corporate website which is also provided to you from the point of getting started.

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