HSSC Gram Sachiv Salary 2024 Pay Scale Total Salary in Hand
Haryana Staff Selection Commission will fill 697 Gram Sachiv posts through advt 09/2019 which was advertised back in 2019. Selection of candidates is to be done from total 100 marks out of which 90 marks are of objective type written exam. Those who got selected will be given salary as mentioned in advt. Here you can know all details about HSSC Gram Sachiv salary 2024 pay scale (Total & net) etc. details.
You can check all details about salary drawn by Gram Sachiv posts in Haryana. HSSC fills the vacancies of Gram Sachiv which are of Group C category. Total posts advertised in this advertisement was 694 for which lakhs of candidates have applied through online mode. Now written exam is to be held for these posts recruitment. Upon selection and appointment, salary will be credited to candidate's account after the month have passed on the job. You can check full details of Gram Sachiv Salary and pay scale in Haryana from below link.