DSSSB Recruitment 02/17 15054 TGT PGT Teaching & Non Teaching Posts

Posted by Anil K.
May 13, 2021
Govt of NCT of Delhi, Delhi Subordinate Services Selection Board (DSSSB), has released an advertisement no. 02/17 for a total of 15054 Posts of Trained Graduate Teacher (TGT), Post Graduate Teacher (PGT), Junior Engineer (JE), Patwari, Primary Teacher (PRT), Special Educator etc. Teaching & Non Teaching posts.
If you want to apply for this vacancy, then you should check the details of this advertisement and find that you meet eligibility criteria (age limit, educational qualification). Selection will be done through one or two tier written exam depending on post. You can check more details of this DSSSB Advt 02/17 Vacancy and Fill Online form using official website.
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