How to Write an Error Free and Persuasive Thesis

Posted by Jessica Gross
Mar 13, 2018

After completing all the subjects and passing all the exams, the university students must overcome a final challenge to obtain their degree that is to write a thesis finally. Due to the impact that this work has on one’s academic and professional future, most students feel intimidated when facing the process of elaboration, generating doubts, fears and delays (sometimes very significant). While it is almost impossible to avoid feeling nervous and anxious, some tips can be applied to facilitate the realisation of the thesis project, transform it into an experience that is enjoyable and likeable.

1.    Choosing the theme and topic of your thesis - It is a fundamental step, although also one of the most feared. In fact, after being consulted on "What do you consider to be the most difficult for the formulation of your thesis?”, 45% of the students answered "the choice of the topic", as revealed the book by Carlos Muñoz Razo in which he presents advise relating to ‘how to prepare and carry out thesis research’. The subject of your thesis will go along with you for a long period. Therefore, it is fundamental that you are sure of your decision. "The important thing in the selection of the subject is that the future thesis is convinced that it is worth studying this topic and that you will be able to make a valuable contribution with your research at the academic, cultural, social and scientific level. In his book, Umberto Eco points out as the first "obvious rule" that the choice of subject "corresponds to the interests" of the student, that is related to the type of exams given, their readings, their, political, cultural, religious and world knowledge. Do not insist on elaborating a work on a "novel" subject just because you think it will impress your tutor or your classmates. Do not lose sight of the fact that essential task of this project is not to surprise, but to elaborate a material utility. Also, do not choose a subject that is too broad, because, as Eco points out, a too panoramic thesis is always an act of arrogance. The more you restrict the field of the thesis, the better you work and the safer you go, and the thesis resembles more with an essay than a story or an encyclopaedia, advises the author.

Some recommendations to choose the theme:

 While it is important to take risks and not lose ambition, remember that your project must be, above all, feasible. To satisfy this requirement, it is sought that the sources and research methodology that you require or plan to implement are accessible and that you are trained to master them. Review theses, recent publications and online material about your area of studies;

solicit suggestions from specialists, be they professors or future employers; do brainstorming with your tutor, your classmates or group (in the case that you have), are some mechanisms that you can implement to inspire you and facilitate the decision making.


Types of Thesis - After defining the subject and subject of study, you must choose what type of thesis you are going to develop. In his book, professor Carlos Muñoz Razo classifies them according to different criteria, for example: Depending on the level of studies, it can be a doctoral, master's degree (or degree) or bachelor's degree.


According to the research method, it can be a

Documentary - it consists of collecting background and information about the object of study or the subject to be developed from books, magazines and other publications.

Area of study - Consists of collecting, processing and analysing information about the object of study or the topic to be developed, which will be obtained through contact with the environment where this object or theme is developed

Or combined - Consists of collecting information about the object of study or the theme to develop and, subsequently, fill it with the information obtained through contact with the environment where this object or theme develops, which must also be processed and analysed.


Depending on the treatment of the information, it can be:

Transcriptive- Students cite or refer to definitions or contributions of other authors to support their opinion. In this case, the reference to the sources consulted is particularly important in

avoiding plagiarism

Narrative - Students will narrate the experiences collected throughout the research process in chronological order. These facts and observations should contribute to the object of study.

Expository - Students only refer to the methods used and the results obtained.

Catalogue - Students will imitate the theme and methodology implemented in a previous thesis or use their conclusions as a "base”.


According to the focus of the research, it can be:

Quantitative -  Students collect numerical data and quantifiable by statistical procedures), Qualitative - Students do not collect numerical data, but will analyse points of view, emotions, experiences, among other non-quantifiable aspects)

Or Mixed – Students combine and implement the two types of data mentioned above.


According to the objective of the research, it can be:

Explanatory - Students will analyse a phenomenon or particular object with the purpose of explaining it in the present contexts.

Descriptive – Students indicate the characteristics, elements and particularities of a phenomenon or object),

Narrative, Documentary, or Experimental - Students reproduce a phenomenon in a test environment and modify the conditions to observe how it reacts.

Exploratory - Students examine a phenomenon or object little studied or unknown.

Confrontative - Students confront two or more theories or phenomena with the purpose of clarifying or accentuating their dissimilarities.

Interpretative – Students inquire about a theory, phenomenon or object with the purpose of formulating their interpretation.


2.    The modality of work – Are you going to work on your thesis as an individual or forming a team for the same? Although some universities and faculties only allow their students to carry out their thesis individually, in other cases the possibility of doing it in pairs, trios or even larger groups is offered.

Both modalities imply pros and cons. For example, while the teamwork allows the thesis student to organize their time and places of study and work freely, it also demands more dedication for keeping the members updated with different goals that are proposed. Meanwhile, perform team research work enables the exchange of ideas, although it also requires generating agreements permanently and it requires coordinating deadlines and criteria to achieve the objectives planned.


If you are choosing to work in a team, it is best to choose or create the team according to the interests and expertise of the people in the group. You may feel that you can work best with your best friend or close friend, it is not always the best friend because where affinity is important in the team, a close friendship sometimes serves as a distraction.


3.    Choosing a tutor or professor – Make sure that your professor is the right person for you. First, make sure that this person has experience in this role and, above all, that you have knowledge about the subject you selected. "There are aspirants who, for reasons of sympathy or laziness, want to do with the teacher of the subject A that is really of the subject B.

You must also be careful about dishonest tutors and know how to detect them. They are

those who will suggest topics, not because they have a genuine interest, but because

they are conducting an investigation on the same matter and plan to make use without

prejudices of the work of the thesis as if it were their own. To avoid such a person, it is wise that you connect with the students and inquire about the knowledge and popularity of the different scholars. The right people are reputed and in the field for a long period. They may also have written and spoken a lot about the subject matter.


4.    Presenting the Content of the thesis – It is divided into different parts which are given in the document in the following manner.

Cover Page – On this page, the name of the university and your name should be given. You can include university logo on the side too.

Introduction – First in this section, First, in this section will be included the dedications and acknowledgements, signed by the thesis student. Then, the index of contents will be added, that is, a list of chapters, titles and subtitles with their respective page number. Finally, the objective (s) of the investigation should be added. The objectives must explain, in simple and plain words, what is the purpose intended to be fulfilled with the investigation, which can be identified by answering the questions: What do you want to present? When will it be done? What do you want to investigate? What do you intend to achieve? "


Theoretical Framework - The theoretical or reference framework contains a summary of all those terms, concepts and theories that will help you to know the object or the theme selected in depth, to then interpret and analyse it adequately. What have you thought about this topic other authors? Which of its aspects has been analysed? What controversies have you raised?  These are some of the questions that this text should answer.


Results - This chapter will be a compendium of the results of the investigation, product of the

process of data analysis. It should be noted that here you can implement resources graphics such as diagrams, tables, maps or tables, in order to facilitate the understanding of the information for the reader.


This is the part where you will manifest the most outstanding findings of the investigation, and you will explain if the initial hypothesis was proven or refuted. Also, you could issue observations regarding the problem, in addition to useful recommendations for those students who wish to formulate a similar thesis in the future.


Biographical references -  In this last part are presented, the references of the cited and

consulted documents during the investigation, that is, those sources on which you relied

to argue affirmations or facts. It should be noted that the mention of the sources cannot be made in an improvised manner, but a specific criterion must be used, for example, the APA Standards.


Annexes – It contains data that only helps to understand a special topic dealt with in a part of

the thesis, but whose existence is not crucial for its continuity.  Some of the materials that can be included in this case are images, questionnaires, notarial documents or geographic maps etc.


Sources, references and plagiarism - As explained on the APA Standards website, references are sources that they serve as support to argue affirmations or facts, while by bibliography

we refer to sources on which we rely to carry out the work.

Let's see some examples of how to cite sources according to the APA format:


The basic format in which they should be put is:

Author's last name, Initials of the author's name, (Year), Subtitle in Italics, City and the country, Editorial.

Gross J. (2001). How to Write a Thesis. Study techniques and procedures,

research and writing. Adelaide, Australia, ABC Editorial.


Online Resource

The first surname is followed by the initials. The date of publication of the article

or newspaper, in parentheses. Then, follow the title of the article, as it was published. We continue with the name of the newspaper in italics. Finally, we put the URL where we can find the original article.


Rikhi, K. (Feb 01, 2018). How to Complete an Assignment Faster. Assignmenthelp4me. Retrieved from:


Plagiarism – Generally, when we sit down to write our thesis we have summaries and information obtained from multiple sources. These abstracts will include parts of clearly identifiable resources and in other cases, opinions or paraphrased concepts. The problem of plagiarism often occurs because having the sources in sight, we end up copying the quotes from them.  Whether it is a paraphrase or an appointment without quotation marks, if we end up doing any of these, it is called as an act of plagiarism which is pretty uncalled for in the academics and sometimes an unforgivable mistake.


Writing and graphic criteria - Good writing, without grammatical errors and with good syntax, is essential. The clarity of the work presented, without leaving aspects to the interpretation of the reader, is also important. Avoid making it look like something that can only be understood by the tutor or the evaluators, but it should be within reach of any student who in the future looks for information on the same subject. It is advisable to use short phrases to avoid excessive pronouns and subordinate sentences. Avoid including, in the same sentence, explanations

 that carry the same style and hinder understanding.



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