How to Uninstall Microsoft Office 2016 on Mac?
MS Office 2016 version is the
latest release by Microsoft Inc. in order to perform the tough task with least
efforts because it comprises with ultra-modern features and components. It is
also an inbuilt application program for the users operating their devices like desktop
or laptop computers on Mac, Android, and Windows.
In case if you encounter any type
of technical problems with this software then you may need to get it settle
instantly so that you can enjoy the best working performance and experience
without any interruption. If you have tried to uninstall microsoft office 2016 mac and encountered any type of
error then you are at the correct page because here a team of certified members
are available to look into the customer’s concern.
They try to deliver the best
answers for how to completely uninstall
microsoft office 2016 mac issue only through online mode and in return they
charge a very few less amount as their service charge. The MS Office 2016 users
can also follow the steps listed below which can fix the problem instantly if
it is followed in the same manner as it has been described.
Hints to uninstall microsoft office 2016 mac:
Method 1: Deleting the Office 2016 for Mac applications
Click over the Finder option to open
it and then visit at the Applications folder.
Then, press the “Command +click” to select
all of the Office 2016 for Mac applications.
Also press the “Ctrl+click” for application
which you want to move to Trash.
Method 2: File removal from user Library folder
Open the Finder menu and then press +Shift+h.
After this visit to View menu and then go
to “as List” option and then again click over the View optiona
and select the Show View Options.
Now, a View Options dialog box will be
displayed and you will be required to select Show Library Folder and save.
After this, back to the “Finder” option and
open Library tab and hit over Containers and ctrl+click on
the folders and Move to Trash as,,,,,,, and
And then use the back arrow to move at Library folder
and open Group Containers and here press the Ctrl+click each of these
folders if present and Move to Trash. The folders are like,
UBF8T346G9.Office and UBF8T346G9.OfficeOsfWebHost
Method 3: Remove from dock and restart
Now, the users are required to remove all the
dock by clicking over the ctrl + click and then move towards the Options tab then
remove from Dock.
At the end, restart the Mac to complete the
uninstallation process.
If you have followed all the 3
methods listed above and facing the same concern as microsoft office 2016 uninstall mac and still facing the problem
feel free to reach us Microsoft office
support phone number 1888-494-1155. This number is extremely free to dial
any time because here you can experience the 24 hours customer assistance.