How to take care of Vietnam hair loss more simple, effective at home
The way to care for Vietnam hair loss is much, for those who are suffering from excessive hair loss and not much time to take care of hair. If your hair is falling out much! Do not worry, with the specific hair care instructions below, you will not have to worry about hair loss more.
The causes of excessive hair loss
Contaminated water or alum, if you are in Europe in the winter, will also lose hair in your tap water, because the temperature is too low, they need to add some substance. to prevent pipeline icing.
As the body weakens, it causes more fractures than normal.
Stress causes hair loss
Causes of hair loss are due to unbalanced diet, due to the hair follicle also need the essential vitamins to maintain healthy. If you do not complete enough, or some substance or some substance is missing, the effect will be clear after a few months. Understanding the cause of alopecia will help to make Vietnam hair loss easier.
Being lazy, or too shampooed (2-3 times a day) makes your hair quickly leave the scalp. Using hair tools (bending, drying, squeezing) or dyeing your hair is also the enemy of hair.
Hair care tips for many Vietnam hair loss you need to know
Use herbs when shampooing, and incubate the hair with a warm towel after shampooing. Do not brush your hair when it is still wet, do not rush your hair right away, let your hair be incubated for 20-30 minutes after shampoo is the best care hair loss.
Get enough sleep and on time, avoid stress stress. Exercise, yoga or meditation will help your body to be comfortable, just good for your hair and good for health.
Drink plenty of water and drink plenty of it during the day. Make a habit of taking vitamins or green tea, avoid alcohol, gas or cocaine because they are responsible for many hair loss.
Find a shampoo suitable for hair, less chemicals, detergents.
Use essential oils, natural herbs to condition your hair every week. Some of the popular oils are: Grapefruit, Coconut Oil, Olive Oil, Sesame Oil, Almond Oil ...
In addition, you can also use the fruit, daily food to nourish the hair, mask for hair such as: Banana, coconut oil and butter, onion, ginger, honey ...
When your hair is abnormally abnormal, check the causes of the above right away, because the hair loss treatment to root, cure from the cause of hair loss is the best way. Besides, do not forget to take care of your Vietnam hair twice a week, so your hair will be healthy enough to cope with the above enemies, for many objective reasons that we can not avoid. .
Here are some effective ways to look after your hair loss. Good luck!
Tag: 18 inches weave hair