How to Succeed in College: A Guide for Freshmen Students

Posted by Jhon Ray Magno
Jun 5, 2014

One of the most awkward feelings for teens is becoming a college student for the first time. It is both a mixture of excitement and anxiety. These feelings are due to adjustments to new academic heights, making new friends, stress brought by hectic schedules and the fulfillment of joining new clubs and extracurricular activities.

Many college students fail to succeed in their first year in college because they fail to take control or be responsible with their actions. According to Katherine Mirani, a writer and a student, being nervous about something is the best way to feel better. When you are feeling the “nerves,” it is better to talk to someone who’s been through that experience and surpassed it with flying colors.

However, that’s not always the scenario. Some freshmen students, especially in the Philippines are afraid to be more active because they fear of getting bullied when they expose their weaknesses to a certain peer group.

If worse comes to worst, it is best to rely on self-help tips. Like in this article which will give  you advice on how to knock off those nerves and succeed all throughout your freshman year in college.

Pay attention to your course syllabi

This is a compilation of the schedules, course outline and deadlines of your chosen course and subjects. Even home study programs have this so professors can have a detailed plan of what students can expect all throughout the semester. Use this to your advantage. As soon as you have this, make sure to plot important lessons and highlight major projects, exams or quizzes so you won’t miss anything. This will make your college life organized and hassle free.

Make orientation and other school activities your priority

Some freshmen fail to attend their orientation day because they think that it is not needed at all. However, many would disagree because it is an opportunity to meet new friends, familiarize yourself with different school activities and get a chance to mingle with professors. Doing this will remove your fears and inhibitions about the stressful side of the academy and will make you realize that schooling is fun because of these activities.

Develop a study habit that depends on your convenience

Scheduling is an essential part of having a convenient study habit because what your schedule says will also reflect on how well you know the fact that you should study. Having a well-planned schedule for study habits and extra curricular affairs will also serve as a roadmap for a healthy and well-balanced college life so you won’t feel deprived and stressed-out. Learn to divide your study time, so you will not feel exhausted compared to doing it at once.

The majority of your future success depends on how well you handle the stress and excitement of the college experiences. These tips are just merely unsolicited advices and will not turn into reality, not unless you’ll apply them as soon as the bell for school rangs!

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