How to Store Dairy Products for a Long time at Home?

May 3, 2024

Preserving dairy products for a long time is one of the greatest challenges in every household. Be it curd, cream, or butter, consumers are often stressed to find ways of preserving them for a long time. Please note that, if you manage to keep the products in the prescribed temperature and conditions as marked in the product labels, you can preserve your dairy product perfectly till its expiry date.

However, the perishable nature of dairy products often leads to concerns about spoilage and waste. Fortunately, there are several effective methods to extend the shelf life of dairy products, allowing you to enjoy them for longer periods while minimizing waste. And, as a leading dairy product manufacturer in India, we know those tricks!

Whether you’re a cheese enthusiast, a milk lover, or a connoisseur of yogurt, here’s our comprehensive guide on how to preserve dairy products for extended freshness:

Proper Refrigeration

Storing dairy products at the correct temperature is crucial for their preservation. Refrigeration can slow down bacterial growth and enzymatic activity, effectively delaying spoilage. To ensure the freshness of dairy items, your refrigerator should be set to an optimal temperature range of 34-40°F (1-4°C). This temperature range is ideal for maintaining the quality and safety of dairy products.

Air-Tight Containers

To preserve dairy in the refrigerator, it’s ideal to store it in airtight containers or resealable bags. This shields the dairy from exposure to air, preventing oxidation and preserving quality. Choose containers made from glass or food-grade plastic to maintain the integrity of the dairy products.


Freezing is a superb technique for safeguarding the quality of various dairy products such as milk, cheese, and butter. Before freezing, it is essential to properly package these products to prevent freezer burn and absorption of external odors. Utilizing freezer-safe containers or vacuum-sealed bags is highly recommended to preserve freshness and maintain the original flavor.

Portion Control

To ensure optimal storage, it is recommended to divide large volumes of dairy products into smaller portions before refrigeration. Doing so not only expedites the thawing and usage processes but also minimizes the risk of potential contamination that may arise from repeated opening and closing of containers


For centuries, salt has been used as a preservative method for dairy products such as cheese and butter. Salt inhibits the growth of bacteria and mold by coating the surface of the cheese or mixing it with butter, which significantly extends its shelf life. However, to avoid excessively salty products, moderation is crucial.


In addition to traditional methods, pickling serves as an ancient preservation technique suitable for specific dairy products, particularly cheese. By immersing the cheese in a brine solution infused with aromatic herbs and spices, not only is flavor imparted, but an unfavorable environment is created, effectively deterring spoilage microorganisms and ensuring prolonged preservation.


To preserve dairy products, dehydration techniques such as producing powdered milk or powdered cheese are employed. By eliminating moisture, bacterial growth is inhibited, extending the shelf life of the products. For optimal preservation, store dehydrated dairy items in airtight containers, ensuring a cool and dry environment.


Preservation of dairy products, especially milk, can be achieved through canning, albeit less commonly employed. To ensure safety and prevent spoilage, properly sterilized jars are filled with milk and processed in a pressure canner. Canned dairy products should be stored in a cool, dark location and consumed within an appropriate timeframe to maintain their quality.

Regular Inspection

Regardless of the preservation method used, it’s essential to regularly inspect dairy products for signs of spoilage, such as mold growth, off-putting odors, or changes in texture. Discard any items that appear to be spoiled to prevent foodborne illnesses.

By employing these preservation techniques, you can prolong the freshness of dairy products and minimize waste, allowing you to enjoy their creamy goodness for longer periods. Experiment with different methods to find the ones that best suit your preferences and lifestyle, and savor the taste of dairy delights whenever you please.

Keep visiting our blog to get more updates on dairy products and the industry itself!

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