How To Solve Brother Printer Network Connection Problem

Posted by Erika Luna
Aug 23, 2018
Difficulty in the printing process from your computer can be a result of various reasons. But the main cause is due to connection error. This occurs when there is wrong configuration or settings of the printer driver. Here, in this blog, you will find out the basic troubleshooting steps to resolve this problem. 

Let’s start the process: 

Step 1. Make sure that Brother Printer is turned on and there are no faults

  • If the red indicator light is not lit, then it means that Brother Printer is not powered on. Make sure the outlet is not faulty and the power switch is turned on.
  • Also, make sure if any led light is indicating the error. If it is, then rectify the issue immediately.

Step 2. Confirm the connection if it is secured

  • Make sure that there is a firm and secure connection between the printing machine and the router using the network cable. 

Step 3. Download and launch the Network Repair Utility

  • Connect your laptop to the internet and open a browser to download the utility.
  • Now, create a temporary folder on your Hard Disk Drive as the location to save the downloaded extracting file. 
  • You have to download the file to the temporary folder.
  • Once this is done, open the folder and double-click on the file to extract it. 
  • Click on "nettool" folder to open and then select “BrotherNetTool.exe”.nettoolnettool
  • Follow the further instructions mentioned on the screen.

Step 4. Make sure the communication between both the machines.

  • Press the Go button thrice on the printing machine.
  • Take out the print and find the IP address on the third page.
  • Now, find the computer’s IP address and then PIN the printer.

Step 5. Execute a network Factory reset.
Step 6. Make sure that the correct printer driver is installed.
Step 7. Finally, verify that your Printer is ready for printing and the print queue is empty.

For more help, you can contact the experts available at Brother Printer Technical Support 1-778-806-1736 solution for technical issues. We are happy to help you at any time for any sort of problem. If you are a new user and facing an issue while configuring and setup to clear your queries and to get the of the printer then feel free to ask us for help at any time whenever you want.

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