How to Safely Dispose Of Shredded Paper?

Posted by Data Struction
Oct 3, 2022

Paper shredding is a safe and convenient method to dispose of personal or professional information. But what should you do with the resulting shredded material? Disposal techniques make all the difference in the safety of your data. So, here’s what you must know to completely and safely eliminate the shredded material.

Disposing Of Shredded Paper

When disposing of your shredded paper, it’s important to remember how important your data is and the shredding technique utilized. If you’ve shredded unimportant stuff, it can be thrown away in the trash. But if there’s sensitive data on the paper and it’s sliced into simple strips that you feel can be put together, putting it in the trash can be concerning. So, here are some tips on how you can discard heaps of paper without compromising the safety of your information:

Pack Stuff

You can definitely use this material to store fragile stuff. Just put different bits in different boxes and place your items on top. But make sure the pieces are small or thin enough not to reveal any sensitive information.

Use at the Fireplace

This is another excellent method to get rid of any shredded paperwork. Use this paper as a fire starter, and you can eliminate both small and big loads all at once. It saves you from identity theft as everything will be lost in fumes.

Different Trash Cans

If at all you’re trashing the shredded paper, make sure you don’t throw the pile together as a big bundle. Randomly throw away all pieces in multiple cans. Sounds a little too demanding? But it’s definitely cost-effective and safe. Just pick different days and different cans on your way to work, gym, home, or grocery shopping, and you’re done.


Compositing is eco-friendly, but make sure you don’t add heavily inked or glossy paper. Understand the kind of paper you can put in compost and that, just like trash, you’re putting your compost pile out in the open, risking it to someone you wouldn’t want to find it. So, beware of this method.


Looking for an environment-friendly way to eliminate shredded paper? Get in touch with a local recycling facility to help you with your load. Make a few calls, request multiple quotes, and partner with someone reliable and experienced to see whether or not recycling is suitable for your shredded paper.

Pick-Up/ Drop-Off Service

While professional services do come at a price tag, they’re the safest when it comes to secure paper shredding and disposal. So, if you value safety and deal in confidential data, hire a trustworthy paper shredding company for the best service. They can shred your paper at your convenience, in the safest ways, and even recycle stuff to ensure there’s no trace of information risking your data or identity.

Final Words

Once your documents serve their purpose, it is crucial to shred and dispose of them safely so the confidential information doesn’t land in the wrong hands. However, while you are at it, don’t forget to keep the processes safe and environment-friendly. Paper comes from trees that give us oxygen, so it’ll only be respectful to keep that in mind along the way. For any professional assistance, contact your nearest shredding company to discuss your options and achieve your business goal optimally.

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