How to recycle plastics and convert unrecyclable wastes into energy

Posted by Ea Recycling
Nov 26, 2016

Image result for waste recycling binsRecycling is really very innovative and important concept of today’s world in order to save more economics and also reduce pollution in the environment. From among the different types of recycling processes, plastic recycling is too important to save environment from the unwanted harmfulness created by the plastic wastes. Over 5 million tons o plastic products are used by the entire UK every year. But only 24 % of them are recovered or recycled throughout the country. In order to increase this percentage of recycling the plastic products, EA recycling company has been taking several innovative steps in various parts of the country.

EA recycling company:

EA recycling company is one of the best plastic recyclers uk who have extensive amounts of skilled and most experienced staffs to collect the plastic wastes from the different regions of United Kingdom for the effective recycling process. The home makers or other people who want to clear up the plastic wastes in your premises can just make a single call to this company and they will immediately send a professional with the vehicle to clear your plastic wastes. Different types of plastics they will collect from your area for the recycling process will be,

·         Pre-industrial plastic scraps

·         Low grade plastics

·         Mixed hard plastics

·         High grade plastics

You just tell them what type of plastic you have through a call and the staffs of EA plastic recycling company will take care of picking them from your area.


Converting unrecyclable wastes to energy:

Some of the materials can’t be recycled even though the recycling companies are putting the best efforts. Such kinds of unrecyclable wastes will also be collected by this EA recycling company to convert waste to energy. From the combination of such waste materials, RDF (Refuse Derived Fuel) is made at the recycling industry. Then, this fuel is grated, dried & also baled then at last burned to produce the electrical energy. It is another useful way to reduce environmental pollution and achieve zero landfill. With the best kinds of RDF capabilities, this EA certified recycling company makes sure all the collected wastes will be used for the production of the electricity.

Once you have such kinds of unrecyclable wastes in your region, you just need to make a single call to this recycling company. The certified and experienced staffs will collect those wastes to use for the electricity energy production. By this way, this company is best known for making the green future to save the environment from different pollutions. In order to reduce the carbon footprints throughout the UK, this company strives to collect different wastes like cardboard, plastics, uPVC and paper for recycling or electricity production. 

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