How to recover Gmail password? Call 0-800-090-3966 for Help

Posted by Josse Miler
Oct 6, 2017
Image Recovering your Gmail password is fairly easy and to-the-point. If you have forgotten your password and can no longer access your Gmail account, here are a few quick steps to recover Gmail password Back.
The good news is that by going through a validation process, you can set a new Gmail password and regain access to your Google account.

Steps to Recover Gmail Password

  • Make sure you either: 
have a secondary email address specified for your Gmail account or
have not logged into your Gmail account for 5 days.

  • Click Forgot password? on Gmail's log-in page.
  • If prompted, type your full Gmail email address over Enter your email on the Account support page.
  • Click Next.

Gmail will now ask a number of questions to try to establish you as the owner of the account. For each question: Enter your answer as well as you can and click Next

questions is (1) A previous password (2)Verification using a code

Click Try a different question if you cannot answer or do not have access to the resource – a secondary email address, say, or a phone number.

Once you have established yourself as your account's owner using any of the – Gmail will log you in to the account. If need any Help call 0-800-090-3966 Gmail Password Recovery Number UK
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