How to Protect yourself During COVID-19 when you Step Outside?

Posted by Reno Sis
Jul 6, 2020

The situation of COVID-19 has created a state of panic all around the world. Given the fact that it is a virus which can spread through physical contact and there are still no vaccinations made for the same, people should be very careful when they leave their homes.

If you are a person who has to step out of the home in such situations due to any unavoidable reasons, then here is the list which can tell you, how to stay protected during the pandemic COVID-19.

How to protect yourself while stepping out in COVID-19?

There are so many things which one should keep in mind while stepping out of the house such as having mask, clear face shield visor, sanitizer, etc. The markets of Singapore are filled with best qualities of these supplies.

Always maintain social distancing

Despite the fact that many things have started to resume back to normal, one should not forget that the COVID-19 is still outside your house infecting people. Therefore, whenever you are outside always practice social-distancing as this is what will protect you from getting infected.

Use a face shield

If you think that using a mask would be enough for you, then you are wrong. This is because; having a clear face shield is also must if you want total protection from Coronavirus. In today’s date there are many best suppliers of clear face shield visor in the market from where you can get one for yourself.

Avoid public transportation

If you think that you can avoid the public transport by wither walking to your destination or using your own transport then this is probably the safest things to do. This is necessary because, one never know if COVID-19 infected patient is standing/ sitting right next to you in the transport.

Keep washing your hands often

While you are out, always keep a handy sanitizer and a hand wash with you so that you keep frequently use any one of them to get rid of germs on your hand. If possible, one should wear gloved for better protection.

Avoid using public toilets

We know if it very hard to avoid using public toilets if you are out of your house for a very long time. If you have to use a public toilet, then you should always keep a handy spray sanitizer for your seat which you can spray before you use the toilet for protection.

Follow these safety precautions during COVID-19 and keep you and your family safe and healthy. 

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