How to overcome the negative effects of America’s top stressor (money)

Posted by Loans Xchange
Feb 27, 2015

According to a report released by American psychological association, America’s number one stressor is Money. It’s a biggest worry present in lives of all American’s and eventually they are experiencing many psychotic problems. You know fiscal stress doesn't only mean that you are short on cash and required amount to fulfill primary needs but it also shows that your brain has least powers to encounter strenuous tasks.

Is it related to lowering IQ?

During my different lectures in colleges and universities, I mostly answered a question that makes me feel worried and thoughtful. People mostly questions that financial stress is directly related to lowering the IQ? Is it true or not? But unfortunately it’s pretty true that whenever you experience financial troubles in life you will feel that your brain isn't much relaxed and your thinking capabilities are lowering down your all systems. And when it happens, you are lowering your 40% IQ comparable to other problems. It simply means that you are lacking your cognitive & creative capacities to not resolve the financial issues and you are not carrying any other plan to uplift the situation.

Vicious effects:

And due to that lower IQ, people feel stressful and cannot maintain a good health. In fact they can’t enjoy the fascinations of life and always feel deprived. It’s also a biggest reason of increasing suicide attempts. This vicious attitude may increase pessimism, blocks your brain circuits which may reduce your thinking capability and makes you think unproductively over & over again.

How to overcome?

Mostly people think that bringing innovative ideas and opportunities may prove good enough to tackle the problems. And I think they are right, at least they understand the philosophy of life and better know how to live it without stress.

  • ·        Very first need is to move forward and recover all your brain power even in the midst of crisis, this will enhance your brain capability in productive manner.
  • ·        Lower your stress and raise your credit score. Do not go for expensive services to boost your credit, use the financial services which are helpful for everyone and provide helps with even least credit score.
  • ·        Always explore better opportunities for your future and do not let go even the single & simpler one.
  • ·        Probe beneficial ways to save for emergencies. So that in immediate needs your brain can easily comprehend the solution. If you have enough savings then no need to avail any other help, but if you are lacking certain money then you can try to choose best ever financial services in terms of your hardships.
  • ·        Never ever depend on single income sources, generate two or more so that can overcome the financial difficulties easily.
  • ·        Strict to your budget whatever the conditions are.
  • ·        Always use reliable credit cards that provide better discounts and you can easily repay the amount on exact date.

You know every single American might have to experience certain financial problems in his life. Some are courageous, they can tackle easily. But some move to other vicious ways which is quite harmful for their families. If you want some more helps then I would suggest you to choose loans xchange so that you can avail best and ideal solutions to make your life easy J

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