5 best suggestions to make your kid’s birthday party affordable

Posted by Loans Xchange
Mar 2, 2015

If you are a single income holder that you can easily understand the fact that celebrating kid’s birthday parties are quite strenuous thing to perform now. Actually when you search out some ideas you find loads of lavishing party ideas that suggest you from napkins to games and cakes. And that are definitely not easy to afford for everyone. So today I have come up with some cheap and inexpensive suggestions that can surely make your kid’s birthday party memorable & cheesy J

Setting a reasonable budget:

Setting a budget definitely allow you to celebrate the party conveniently. But first of all you need to talk with your kid; if he is 5 years old then you can ask him to suggest something for his birthday, if like a bigger gathering of his friends then spend more money on venue instead of cake & other decorations. If he loves cake and delicious food items then do concentrate on menu than other things. It’s not as tough as it sounds, you can manage the things from your income, if it’s not sufficient enough then you can think to get instant payday loans online by simply filling an online application form. It is easier than to cut from your savings that prove difficult for the future.

2.   Invite small number if guests:

If your kid is 9 years or older then he can easily understand your problem and he may cooperate with you in this regard. But if he is 6 years or smaller then might be he would love to invite his whole class of 25 friends. Now it’s not possible for you to feed more than 20 people in such limited budget. You can ask your kid to select his 10 best friends he like the most in class. And when he selects them, ask every kid to come & enjoy the party J


3.   Select affordable venues:

For small kind of gatherings, I think home is the best place. Because you can easily arrange the party and make desired decorations everywhere, most of all people can easily reach without any difficulty. But if your home is not so large or you don’t have gardens then you can try arranging to local parks or community centers. Do not go for expensive hotels as they can charge high amount beyond your affordability. But for example, if you have selected some feasible and best ever services for financial aid then it may be possible you can hire a beautiful venue without any tensions, so always explore the options whenever you decide.

4.   Prefer DIY’s:

If you prefer DIY decorations then definitely you are going to spend least amount as compare to expensive outside decorations. So better is to apply DIY’s everywhere like you can make your own invitations on internet and send them through Face book or email. For decorations, you can choose some best affordable places where you can buy for $5.

5.   Short but interesting party:

Keeping your party short is another way of saving money. Do not go for the party that lasts for more than 7 hours. In this way you may need to arrange sleepovers and some preparations for dinner. So better is to arrange the party just for 5 hours and add some entertaining activities that are interesting for your kids and they can enjoy the moments in best ways J


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