How To Make A Corporate Video That Will Blow Your Clients Away

Posted by Groshan Fabiola
Aug 8, 2019

Video production is more and more accessible. A couple of years ago, it was conducted with a very high budget. Now, it is a completely different story. You can embark on producing a video for your organisation even if you are limited by your budget. Why would you want to make a fil anyway? Because it creates a strong impression on your clients. Corporate videos elicit strong emotions and win over people. Choose to tell your story in an interesting way. If it is your first time, you are bound to be nervous. This is your first time making a promotional film and you want everything to be perfect. If this is the case, make sure to follow these tips.

Do Not Sell Features, Focus on Customer Benefits

By focusing on the features of your products and services you will not attract more customers or increase profits. Value is the only thing that people resonate with. This is more important than what you have to offer. When you are trying to sell something, forget about utility. A product or service can always be personalised, even if the basic functionality remains unchanged. Talk about the value that you can offer. Make it easy for people to see exactly why your product or service is right for them. If you are an automaker, empower individuals to visualise the car in their driveway. If they cannot do that, your product will not be a success. Allow people to experience the story through senses and feelings.

Choose the Best Words for Your Message

Images form a moving picture which will convey your message. Make sure you are short and precise. The aim of your message is not to provide information but to set the context and get straight to the point. No matter if you are creating a film about a launch or you are simply trying to put a face to your brand, do not exaggerate. Before actually shooting the video, think about the message you are trying to send. Resume your message in a couple of sentences. Imagine that you are preparing a presentation. What words would you use? Perhaps you are trying to say too much. You will only confuse people. Shorten the message. The simpler, the better. Issue one argument at a time.

Hire A Pro

It is tempting to think that shooting a corporate video is an easy thing. Far from it. If you are not a professional, you will not get great results. You will not have a video that is worth watching. So, what is there to do? You should better reach out to a filmmaker. A professional is a must-have. They see the shooting in a different light. To be more precise, the filmmaker knows what is more challenging and what requires more time. What is more, they know exactly how to convey your story to the world, adding a human dimension to the corporate video. The expert takes into account your vision, not to mention the specific production needs. Work with someone who has shot for important brands and organisations around the world. This is the type of person you need on your project.

Use an Adequate Format

Needless to say, a promotional film is not about talking. What matters is the action. You are trying to tell the audience something, but you do not need to share facts and figures. The brain processes image better than words, which is why you have chosen video. Now, you need to make sure to choose the right format. Attention needs to be paid to the fact that there is no one size fits all solution. In what follows, we will present the most popular formats:

·         AVI – This file format, which was established by Microsoft, is commonly used for storing video and audio. The great thing about AVI is that it does not require conversion and can be played by most computers and operating systems. the only drawback is that you cannot choose ratios manually.

·         MP4 – MP4 has come to replace early multimedia formats, leading to change in the way that audio-visual files are offered to the public. It is an universal video format, which means that it is supported by all digital devices and platforms.

·         FLV - Being made especially for Adobe Flash Video Players, FLV files transmit audio and video over the Internet. They can be easily watched by online viewers. You can upload your corporate video to popular sites such as YouTube and Google Video. Since the file is relatively small, people can download it.

If you follow these suggestions, your corporate video will be a success. As long as your promotional film has the key ingredients, there is nothing to worry about. Have fun shooting!

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