How to Maintain a Germ-Free Environment for Your Baby

Posted by Sonia Singh
Nov 3, 2020

The word ‘germ’ alone can put any new parent on high alert. These pesky, little creatures can be of concern for any parent who is trying their best to safeguard their little baby from catching an infection. But the fact is, no matter how much you try to keep your baby’s environment clean, they will get exposed to germs. And if your baby is in the first few years of life, chances are high that they would put everything that they see in their mouth. For such parents, it becomes all the more difficult to tackle germs and keep their baby healthy. Worry not! Here we give you some easy tips to maintain a germ-free environment for your precious, little baby:   


1-Make sure you wash your hands regularly: We all know that germs spread by contact. So when you touch things, the germs and bacteria on them are most likely to get transferred from your hands to your baby’s. To avoid this, it is best that you as parents wash your hands regularly, especially whenever you touch your baby. Also, make sure that whoever touches your baby cleans their hands before holding the baby. Know that your baby’s immune system is not built yet and they are more susceptible to infections than adults. This simple habit will go a long way in keeping your tiny tot healthy and germ-free. 


2- Clean the baby toys: With time, germs are sure to settle on all those cute little toys that your baby loves playing with. So it becomes very important that you clean them regularly. For cleaning the toys, it is best that you choose organic cleaners as they are devoid of any chemical nasties. Most of the conventional disinfectants, on the other hand, contain harsh chemicals like bleach which can prove to be extremely harmful. Made with organic baby multi-purpose cleaner from would just be the best option to go with to clean all the toys. Made with organic ingredients like organic lemon and organic aloe vera, it is super-safe to clean not just the toys, but your baby’s teether, bottle, accessories, fruits and vegetables, tables, and surfaces as well. It will ensure that your little darling is protected from germs in a completely safe way.   


3- Keep a stock of baby wipes: Baby wipes are an absolute essential as they are very effective in quick, on-the-go clean-ups. For all those times when you cannot wash your baby’s hands and mouth, like when travelling or on an outing, baby wipes come in handy. You can also use these wipes to clean all the surfaces that your baby might touch. Again when it comes to buying baby wipes, choosing the ones that are gentle on the baby’s skin as well as efficient at getting the job done is important. You can consider buying made-with-organic baby wipes from as they are made with organic aloe vera and organic rose water, leaving your baby’s skin smooth and germ-free. You can also get the best natural baby lotion from this brand as all its products are made from organic ingredients only, making them super safe for your little bundle of joy. 


Keep these simple tips in mind and you’ll not have to worry about those microscopic enemies squirming invisibly around your baby. After all, if you will not protect your baby, who will?

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