How to install WordPress in cPanel

Posted by Ayushman Jena
Jan 23, 2021
This article was written by Ayushman jena

Just purchased your new domain & hosting, but don’t know how to install WordPress in it? Well, don’t worry! I’m going to show you how to install WordPress in cPanel in this blog with a step-by-step guide. And, there will be a video tutorial at the end of this blog 

How to install WordPress in cPanel
Follow this step-by-step guide and instantly set up your new WordPress site! Have fun 

[Step #1] – Login to cPanel

The very first thing you have to do is to log in to your cPanel. There are usually two ways to login to your cPanel :

Through Direct URL – Just put /cpanel at the end of your domain and you’ll be redirected to cPanel Login Dashboard.
Note: You should have your cPanel login details in order to directly login to your cPanel, else you can try the second option.
Through Hosting Provider – If you don’t have your cPanel login details with you, you can simply log in through your hosting provider. Login to your hosting provider website and there you will find a link says “Login to cPanel”.

[Step #2] – Scroll Down & Click on Installation Application Installer

Once you logged in to your cPanel Dashboard, you have to simply scroll down and find Installatron Applications Installer.

If you can’t able to find it, you can simply search it using the Search Bar at the top of your cPanel Dashboard.

[Step #3] – Click on WordPress

After clicking on Installatron Application Installer, you have to find and click on the WordPress app!

Note:- If you already have a WordPress installation, then you have to firstly click on Application Browser at the top right side of the Installatron Applications Installer page.

[Step #4] – Click on “Install this Application”

Once the WordPress Overview page opens, you have to click on the Install this Application button in order to install WordPress in cPanel.

If you’re having trouble finding the WordPress app in the previous step, then don’t worry, there is a video tutorial at the end of this blog which will guide you the whole process step-by-step!

[Step #5] – Fill the Details

After clicking on the “Install this Application” button in the previous step, a new page will open. On this page, you’ll have to fill in some details for your new WordPress installation.

You have to select your Domain
In the Directory field, you have to keep it empty. (Anything in the directory will simply create a subdomain for your site)


Enter your Username (Should be unique and you’ll need this to log in to your WordPress Admin Panel).
Set your New Password (This is the password you’ll need to login to your WordPress Admin Panel).
Enter your Email account
Your WordPress title and description can be changed later, but you can also set it now!
[Step #6] – Click on “Install”

The last thing you need to do is to scroll to the bottom of the Installation page and click on the “Install” button in the right-hand side.

After clicking on the install button, your WordPress installation will start and will be installed in a few seconds.

Hope, you can able to install WordPress in your cPanel 

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