How to improve productivity working from home? 2021 Edition

Posted by S3t Koncepts
May 14, 2021
Nothing and no one has ever halted time and yet made everything so chaotic as this pandemic has. It has been a year since most of us have been working from home, and while it was fun, and dare I say, productive at the beginning, the anxiety in the air is tiring everyone now. It is getting harder to pull ourselves out of bed every morning, let alone be productive.

However, we believe because of the long pause that covid-19 has brought into everyone’s lives, there are some things that many of us have started doing wrong. And that is hindering our efficiency even more. We have curated a list of all the obvious and yet overlooked steps that one can take to get back on track.

Freshen up your workspace

There are chances that you started your work from home with a proper dedicated space to be your work office. However, one year down the line, you find it exhausting to use that space and are just working from your bed now. You may not realize, but it could be a prominent factor that your work rate is abating. By choosing to spruce up your workspace, you will kill two birds with one stone. First, you will get a new sense of motivation to work in a fresh-looking space, and second, it will be a good anxiety buster activity.

Schedule proper working hours

Another thing that has gotten lost in the run from last year is working hours. If you are working from bed, there are chances that you find yourself slipping inside your sheets every next hour. Or even if you are not working from bed, you find yourself wandering around the house trying to kill time when you should be working. It is understandable. It may be happening because you don’t have a proper work schedule. Find out what hours you work the best in and complete as much as you can in those hours. You will find that you are getting more work done every day.

Take breaks

It is not just essential to get work done but also to relax your mind. In times like these, we all could use more breaks than usual. After you complete heavy work in dedicated hours, don’t forget to take appropriate time off for yourself. Not only will it help you in staying calm but also in concentrating better.

Connect with your team

By this, we don’t just mean about work. Due to WFH, it has become harder to catch up with our colleagues. And it may seem like a bad idea, but if you connect with them and talk about how things are going outside of work, you will realize that everyone is on the same boat and having a hard time dealing with this, some better or worse than others. Who knows? You might find some tricks that your peers are using to stay productive or might end up helping someone.

Have a routine

It is high time to quit waking 5 minutes before the morning call. Create a proper routine for yourself for the morning, evening, and in between. If that sounds too difficult to follow or is not your thing, inculcate a few habits in your daily life. For example, waking up 15 minutes early to enjoy your morning drink better. Or exercising 15 minutes in the day to get your body moving that has become stiff from working all day. These small things are more helpful than we know.

Pandemic has taken a toll on all of us, and it is understandable. We suggest you now be hard on yourself and take one day at a time. Small things can bring about significant differences in life, and we hope you find these small tips that we suggested useful, some, if not all. S3TKoncepts is one of the best interior design companies in Dubai. We have a team of experienced professionals who have worked with a variety of clients. We also provide office fit-out solutions in Dubai, and we can help you with your home office workspace. Contact us if you have any design-related queries. We will be happy to help you.
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