How to Improve E-commerce Store Performance with Magento Multi-User Extension?

Posted by Ashley Brown
Dec 16, 2019
Magento E-commerce development is always in demand among the business enterprises to build amazing websites. Whatever the development platforms present in the digital market to build online selling websites, Magento 2 developers are the most in demand. The features Magento CMS offers are incredible, but multi-user account is missing. To run a business multiple accounts with different roles are required. After all, managing an efficient online store is not a simple job to do, and sharing the day-to-day operations is very important for maintaining and expanding your website. Store owners can free themselves from single-user restriction by installing multi-user account extension.

What is a Multi-User Extension?

Magento CMS popularity among E-commerce store development is all because of the availability of a large set of extensions. Being an open-source platform, anyone with the appropriate knowledge can perform Magento 2 extension development using basic features. This means that along with the tools released by the Magento, there are plenty of third-party extensions available for users to implement.

These extensions add multiple functionalities to the E-commerce websites, and are usually made to provide solutions for common errors users come across. Thus the development of multi-user extensions that go beyond Magento’s single-user account limitation is highly-important.

Why Multi-User Extension is Important?

By default, a store admin is the only one who manages the E-commerce website. This basically leaves them with two options: either handling the website entirely by themselves or sharing the account details with other employees.

Those situations are far from ideal. Here’s what you should do:

1. Address the Trouble to Manage a Website Alone

Since most of the business owners have a lot of responsibilities, they seldom have the time to perform everything regarding website management themselves. From buying the merchandise to product management and customer data, there are numerous tasks to perform. On the other hand, assigning jobs to the people who know it the best is very helpful. That’s where the multi-user account extensions come in. They allow several sub-accounts to be used apart from the main login, meaning more users can perform website responsibilities.

2. Improve Security

Earlier multiple people used to work from the same single account, but it is a risky job in regards to the E-commerce website’s security. With a shared account, full control is given to every employee who works on your website including the most sensitive components. When your employees can freely access the customer details or shut down the website completely, a lot of unnecessary risks happen. However, by implementing a multi-user extension, unique permissions can be assigned to every employee working on the E-commerce website. Magento 2 extension performs useful service for an E-commerce website. 

How Multi-User Extension Works?

By installing the multi-user extension, the store admin can develop several accounts as per the requirement. This is a great extension having multiple features. Lets check its important features:

  • It gives admin liberty to control all the sub-logins by managing the settings and approvals.
  • It is available for both open-source & enterprise versions of the platform and provides access to the users to set the sub-admin rights.
  • Limiting the management of orders and products.
  • Restricting the access to reports.
  • Searching for the abandoned carts, tags, reviews, and customers as well.
  • Managing and editing of all the orders given authority.

With so many benefits, it is important to implement the multi-user extension to ease the work process and boost productivity.


So, this is the complete information about the Magento multi-user extensions. This extension being utilized by several online store owners for improving store performance and managing the sub-accounts, employee roles with much ease. You can also implement them as per your business requirements to add more sales, revenue to your online store. 
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